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Spin-A-Thon 2014


I’m pretty sure you all know that I have a great love for my local YMCA. I joined nearly 2 years ago and this facility and the people who work there have been a constant source of support for me on my personal fitness journey. My trainer, Bizzy,  is amazing and I have a wonderful and personal relationship with her. She has never let me down and has encouraged me and pushed me and made me believe in myself like I never have before. The rest of the staff is just as amazing – friendly and kind and (this is a big one for me) they call me by name when they see me. The facility itself, while not as grand as some, is very nice. There are plenty of machines and there is a pool (not that I’ve ever so much as stuck my big toe in it) and weights and classes in TRX and Zumba and Cycling.

As part of her commitment to continuously challenge me, Bizzy invited Dale and I to attend a meeting on the Y’s upcoming Spinathon, a major fundraiser for their Annual Campaign. She told me it was just a meeting, not a commitment to participate in the actual Spinathon. She told me that they needed input from members, both actives ones – that would be me – and less active ones – that would be Dale. She told me that my involvement with Kiwanis made me especially suited to be able to bring good ideas to the table. Given my love for Bizzy and the fact that I sort of owe her my life, I couldn’t possibly have said no.

Here’s the thing, though. She lied. I should have anticipated this because she lies to me all.the.time. Just 5 more seconds, she says, when she’s really going to make me do 30. Just one more set, she says, when she’s really going to make me do three more sets. This won’t be hard at all, she says, when she’s about to kick my ass. So yeah, she’s a liar and attending that meeting sort of did mean we would be committing to participating in the Spinathon. I forgive her for it, though, because she only lies to me when it’s really really good for me.

And sure, I could have gotten out of it but how could I, honestly? I love this place and I truly believe our community is incredibly fortunate to have it. And if I can support it by raising some money through pledges for my commitment to spin for an hour on March 22nd, well, of course I’m going to do it. I’m not going to do it alone, either. I have dragged Dale along with me as well as a whole team of my fellow Kiwanians.

This YMCA does so much –   for the children and families in our community, for seniors and cancer survivors, and for me. This place changed me and it continues to change me. I mean, really, did you ever think I would be posting about a Spinathon? But here I am and  here’s where you all come in – you can help me raise money for this program by sponsoring me. I have to raise $100 to participate but I want to blow that amount out of the water and raise $500. Or maybe even more! Will you help me? It’s really easy, you can donate online, and no amount is too small. Just click here and you will be taken to my personal fundraising page where you can make your donation.

I’ve always said I have the best blog readers and here’s your chance to prove me right. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.

Comments (8)

  1. Oh, this is easy. I love fitness (for all). I love spinning. And I love Carole! (But I want to know . . . is Dale going to spin?????)

  2. I met my husband when he worked for the Y! He started as a fitness director when he was in college. By the time he left, some 30 years later, he was a branch executive. He had a great career there and the Y holds a special place in our hearts. Happy spinning!

  3. I’m so glad that you roped me into doing the spinathon with you … I think?! The best part is that while we’re helping ourselves get healthy, and having fun (?), we’re also helping out the Y continue their amazing programs 🙂

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