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Eye Candy Friday

rust colored mum for carole knits

We’re supposed to get snow today. Not much and hopefully not enough to destroy the mums and pumpkins but you just never know around here. So I’m admiring them while they last.

Find something to admire today, my friends.

Comments (13)

  1. I’m appreciating how wonderful my tea tastes this morning with snickerdoodle creamer; I may even appreciate a second cup!

  2. I’m appreciating that it’s Friday! (The snow is lovely, but I’m not quite ready for it to stick around quite yet.)

  3. I shall be admiring the black pavement after a week of snow and sub-freezing temps. Hey, gotta take what you can get.

  4. Love those orange tones!!

    My sister was cross-country skiing last night in a foot of snow, just a few hours north of me! We’ve yet to see much more than a dusting, soon gone. Maybe an inch this weekend.

  5. Very pretty picture! We have real winter here. And we are snow covered already. It’s -6F this morning but it’s sposed to be sunny today so that is a positive thing.

  6. Such pretty flowers. We are having a drought here in CA so couldn’t plant any flowers of any kind this fall. Looks a little drab around here! Have a great weekend.

  7. Mums? Mine were wiped out by a hail storm. Pumpkins? Wiped out by minus zero temps. Oh blah dee, oh blah da! Haha. Have a great weekend!

    P.S. Hope your mums and pumpkins are doing well.

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