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Eye Candy Friday

valentines tulips for carole knits

More snow = more tulips. Okay, not really, because these are the tulips Dale bought me for Valentine’s Day. That’s right. No roses for this girl, I much prefer tulips.

My plans for the weekend include hanging out with Dale, a night of dancing, and the Oscars! I hope you have fun weekend plans, too!

Comments (10)

  1. I prefer tulips too! They are looking very good for a week old. Usually mine are drooping and dropping pollen all over the table! Have a good weekend and stay warm. I won’t tell you what the weather is like out here in Northern California!

  2. I love tulips too! And I really love carnations!! I’d rather have carnations than roses any day. But if you are giving me roses, give me yellow ones!
    Oh and lilacs – love those!

    Linda in VA

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