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Eye Candy Friday

october mashpee trip bouquet for carole knits

A fall bouquet for you. Just because it’s Friday. And maybe also to say thank you for your kind words and support. I need it and it helps. If you have more good thoughts left in you please send them our way this weekend as we attend Bob’s wake and funeral. Talk about rough. But also necessary. And important, so important.

I’ll see you all on Tuesday with tales to tell, no doubt.

Comments (12)

  1. I have yet to go to memorial services that didn’t turn into warm loving stories, often with the bonus of some pretty hilarious tales told. I suspect Bob was exactly the sort of guy who would approve of that. Don’t be afraid to cry or laugh until you cry. Hugs to you for the weekend events.

  2. I will keep you all close in mind this weekend as well. He’ll be looking down with love on you all and certainly smiling I’m guessing. xo

  3. I will be thinking about you all and lifting you up in prayer all weekend. I know it will be a rough one. Let me know if you need anything.

  4. What a lovely little bouquet. I feel as though I’m missing my mother now (lately) more than ever, so I’ve sort of avoided your grieving this week. That’s not to say that I haven’t been thinking of you and, of course, I am so sorry for you all. When I think of my mom’s memorial service, though, I really don’t feel “sadness” at all. There was so much love in that room, so many stories to share, so many tears… but all from love and laughter. I have a feeling Bob’s service will be just like that, but probably with more music!!

  5. I’ll be thinking of you and your family through this difficult weekend. I hope in the midst of the grieving, there will also be moments when you’re able to remember all of the good times you shared with Bob and that those memories bring comfort to all of you.

  6. You will celebrate Bob’s life in wonderful and meaningful ways. Sending thoughts of peace and love your way, dear friend.

  7. People who are in your heart the way Bob and your mother are will never truly be gone–just with you in a different way. You are honoring your memories and their presence with your love and tears and sharing of your stories. Our hearts are with you.

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