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Eye Candy Friday


I promised Bonny I would post the roses that are still in bloom here in my neck of the woods and so that’s what you get today. Beautiful pink roses. It makes me happy to look at them and I hope you feel the same way.

It’s still November and that means it’s still NaBloPoMo. I’ll see you back here tomorrow.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Those roses are indeed beautiful; I love that shade of pink. Thanks for sharing these as they make me happy, too, and are just what I need to see today!

  2. Wow! Incredible! The weather is crazy pants here too – they are talking about 70’s today! And there was frost again this morning. You and Dale have a spectacular weekend! XO

  3. Gorgeous! There are still roses blooming (and budding) in Eastern PA as well. Amazing. Cold front moving in, though, and they are saying we could see snow tomorrow night! The ground is so warm though, that nothing will accumulate (thank goodness!). Have a fun weekend Carole!

  4. Your roses are such a vibrant and beautiful color. We had roses until 2 days ago. This morning is 29 and EVERYTHING will be gone. 🙁

  5. It’s been a bit unseasonable here in Northern Maine, too. But very windy, so there’s a wind chill. I envy your roses, they’re lovely.

  6. What a gorgeous color!! We’re in for it tomorrow… WINTER is on the way! The daytime highs of the past couple of days approached mid-60s (highly unusual for this time of year) but we’re looking at mid-30s tomorrow. It’s going to be SHOCKING!!

  7. Beautiful! Our roses were blooming until yesterday–four inches of snow and temps in the 20’s. Crazy weather for sure!

  8. I love late fall roses;
    here in Sacramento I’m able to enjoy roses almost all year long.

    ps Is there a link up for Eye Candy Friday?

  9. Beautiful!!! Ken asked me at the beginning of November if I was going to post every day as I have done in the past this month for the last few years (darn his amazing memory) and I told him I just couldn’t for the first time in a long time. This sunrise to sunset job I have just sucks the life juice out of me, but I will join in here and there in support of NaBloPoMo. <3

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