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I’m joining in with Kat today to share what I’ve been knitting and reading.

As I’m sure you can see by my Bingo card, my reading has been more productive than my knitting. 9 books total since Memorial Day weekend. I know that sounds like a lot but a couple were audiobooks and one was a book of poetry. I’ve (mostly) got the rest of my squares planned out and I feel like I’m (fingers crossed) on track for a cover-all.

I’m knitting socks. I haven’t made a ton of progress since I last showed them to you but I expect that to change by the end of the week because road trip.

I’m also knitting this beautiful Islington Shawl. I started it ages ago but got sidetracked by Peace Cowls and baby sweater knitting. Now that I’m really working on it I’m remembering just how much I love knitting lace.

That’s it for me. To see what everyone else is knitting and reading head on over to Kat’s.

Comments (14)

  1. It looks like you’re progressing pretty well with both reading and knitting! Love those sock stripes and hope to see more of them after your road trip (and hear about the road trip, too)!

  2. Great knitting, Carole! I love the colors in your striped socks, and the Islington is just lovely. And you’re making quick work of that Bingo card!!! 🙂

  3. PS – What did you read for the banned-outside-the-US???? I’ve got that square, too. I have a couple of ideas, but I’m not really keen on any of them. Looking for more ideas…

  4. So glad you mentioned the Peace Cowl. I need a project for an upcoming trip & loved that when everyone was knitting those.

  5. Islington is gorgeous! I love the color choice you used! And, stripey socks are always a very good thing! And, 9 books since Memorial Day… I am in awe! I am just at the 5 book mark, although I should have one more done today and another following closely tomorrow!

  6. Wow – a lot of books AND gorgeous knitting! The shawl is stunning and love the yarn for your socks. Can’t wait to hear all about your road trip!

  7. You’re cranking things out all over! I have that banned outside of the U.S. square too…The Lottery was banned in South Africa for a time but thought that might be too short to count! 🙂

  8. It looks like your progress on both reading and knitting are both just fine. I am not seeing lace when I look at Isington. Ravelry, here I come!

  9. Yay for summer reading … and knitting lace! I was reminded how much I enjoy it as well when I started the TTL MKAL this morning 🙂

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