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All The Bingos!

I was pretty up front about my goal to achieve a coverall for Summer Book Bingo again this year. What I didn’t tell you was that I wanted to have said coverall before we went on vacation. And I did it! I finished Anna Karenina last Friday morning and that was my last square.

Hooray for accomplishing goals!


Comments (16)

  1. Reading, knitting, cooking, working, looking after relatives, vacaying — you are a busy lady!

  2. Wow! That’s a lotta reading. I need to figure out how to fit in reading beyond bedtime and travel.

  3. congratulations! how did you like Anna Karenina?

    I have 7 books to go ( 3 are in process) with 12 days left. Good thing I have two plane rides next week to get some serious reading done.

  4. A list with ratings, please, when you have the chance. You know, I love your book reviews! Kudos for a job well done.

  5. Wow! I never do book bingo because there is no way I could get all that reading done by the end of summer. I’m a slow reader and summer here in our house is the end of May to the second week of August. I am amazed by your reading ability and love it when you share your titles and thoughts. Congratulations! ?

  6. Going to read your book list links. Haven’t read anything recently that’s grabbed me. A lot of 3 out of 5’s. Need one of those I can’t put down.

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