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SPA Spinning

SPA is always a lovely weekend away with friends and I’m going to tell you much more about it tomorrow. For now, though, behold the fruits of my labors. And by labors I mean spinning.

362 yards of cormo and merino/bamboo/silk. I spun the cormo over the course of the weekend and then plied it with the merino/bamboo/silk singles I had spun … last year at SPA.

For my next trick I will turn that skein into a Baby Surprise Jacket for Jackie. If that takes another year I’m in big trouble.

How was your weekend?

Comments (10)

  1. Better get knittin’, Gran!! As I recally, BSJ is pretty quick to knit (and even quicker to finish), but your little guy is growing like a weed!! Can’t wait to hear more about your weekend.

  2. I love that yarn! It is perfect for a BSJ for Jackie. And I can’t wait to see it. I just love that design.

  3. Your yarn will be a perfect baby surprise jacket! At least you spin once a year. I can’t get myself to touch my wheel. This too has passed!

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