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Three On Thursday

I’m at the point in the season where my lists have lists, you know? The tasks ahead are mostly centered around our Christmas Eve party but I did get three things done yesterday that I’m quite happy to check off my list.

They are:

  1. Addressed, stuffed, sealed, and mailed our Christmas cards. I’m writing it here now as a reminder to have my printer extraordinaire preprint our return address on the envelopes next year.
  2. Made the dreaded expedition to Costco. I really just needed wine and beer and a ham and I mostly stuck to the list with the exception of a $75 beef tenderloin that somehow landed in my cart. It was crowded but I got called over to the self check out line by a great employee who get me out super fast when he saw that I didn’t have that much in my cart. Hooray.
  3. Drove around with Dale to look at Christmas lights. This is something we try to do every year but sometimes it gets shoved aside and we don’t get to it. I’m always glad when we do, though, it’s such a great way to slow down and enjoy the lights and decorations.

In the interest of time (and my lists) that’s all I’ve got for today!

If you wrote a post for today please include your link below. Thanks, friends.

Comments (13)

  1. I love Christmas lights. My DH and I should try to do the same thing.

    I have a question about the Swedish Almond cake: Is it possible to make it ahead of time and freeze it? Or is it suppose to be served warm and just pot of the oven?

  2. You got two big chores out of the way! Christmas cards and grocery shopping at the kind of errands that nag at me until they are done, and I have to do that grocery shopping thing today. And you mixed in some pleasure with your chores by going to see Christmas lights. Honestly Carole, I don’t know how you do all that you do, but more power to you!

  3. I know what you mean about the lists! Mine have taken the form of an outline with several sub-headings. If I finish my list today I may take a drive tonight and look at some Christmas lights myself!

  4. We drive around and look at the lights every year, too. We always take hot chocolate in travel mugs with us and play Christmas music in the car. This was the first year my daughter was really in to it and she didn’t want to stop. It does put you in a great mood! Bonus was that this year we picked up pizza on the way home. 🙂

  5. Because we are still in school through tomorrow, I have not done much about Christmas other than a few gifts. It is going to be a low key year – something I think our little family really needs.

  6. oh boy, I’m “saving” Costco for tomorrow (because hopefully the rain will be over by then) … hopefully I can get a few inside tasks checked off my list today!

  7. Our party is tonight . . . so I’m in the home stretch now. (Nothing like the thought of 60 people stopping by to really get the blood flowing!) XO

  8. I am in the “my lists are feeling out of control and need a master list” category! But, thank you for reminding me to add “look at lights” to my list! It is just the best thing to do! XO

  9. Oooh, we need to drive around and look at some lights!! I need to gather my lists and make a final plan… that’ll happen tomorrow.

  10. I never have a list and I have a list! My really productive day was Tuesday. I’ve got a cookie swap to attend tonight though and it’s my favorite night of the season as it turns into a really good party. I’m going to take Doug on a Christmas light drive on Saturday – thanks for the thought to make it a thing!

  11. I’m completely avoiding Costco and opting for the local grocery store, but doing all the other things, looking forward to kids and grandkids on Xmas eve and finishing up last minute knits. Have to get out to see the lights too. Have a wonderful holiday!

  12. My last errands were run yesterday and the weekend looks quiet and festive (as we spend it alone). Come Christmas we’ll be with friends. Life is good and I’m looking forward to 2019! xox

  13. Riding around looking at lights is something I always did with the boys and my Mom. When Andrew was a baby riding in the car was sometimes the only way we could get him to sleep! We followed our riding around with hot chocolate. Sophie and I will be doing the lights thing this year- wonder if it will be 1) warm enough to walk around town or 2) ride around with the top down. Stranger things have happened in our area this time of year!

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