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I’m happy to say that I am making forward progress on my NightShift shawl. And I’m loving it.

I’m enjoying the hell out of the pattern and now that I’ve got some better color choices to work with I think it’s looking good. I’m still preferring frequent color changes but I want to make sure it’s not toooooo stripe-y so I’m going to not change colors quite as frequently going forward. I’m trying to go-with-the-flow but that’s so not my mentality that it can feel like a struggle. Yes, I recognize that means it’s good for me.

I set up my Stay At Home Bingo pages in my journal. I’ve read 6 books since April 1st and I don’t anticipate a bingo any time soon but that’s okay since I’m going for my usual cover-all.

What are you knitting and reading this week? Tell me in the comments and then (if you’re a blogger) head on over to Kat’s and let everyone else know, too.

Comments (22)

  1. I just finished Sacred Hunger and am now reading the autobiography of Rich Roll. Knitting is two shawls – both by Bristol Ivy – Rooftree and Audre plus a cardigan in Berroco called Charlottetown. The yarn, Quinoa, is new and will be a great summer weight.

  2. No knitting as I’m pushing to finish a quilt. Just finished “Up and Down” by Terry Fallis. It was very good and the author is new to me, so I’ll be checking out more of his work. That’s always a happy discovery.

  3. Your shawl is looking beautiful!! I am working on a most frustrating shawl, but I’m persisting. I’m also reading a book called The Wild Game and working on some new sewing projects.

  4. The Nightshift looks great! So glad that you’re happy with it now.
    I just finished Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson, it was a fun read. I’m binding off (slowly it’s a bobble bind off) my ShannaJean Cowlette while I’ve already cast on my Lavallette Tee -for when I don’t want to pay strict attention.

  5. Love your Nightshift – looks great! And I love how fun your book bingo pages are. Very creative!

    I’m knitting socks, crocheting granny squares and I just got yarn from Vicki that will be a Hitchhiker! Reading is still an issue for me. Nother is keeping my attention.

  6. I’m knitting a Stillwater cardigan that I hope to wear this spring. The yarn is deep stash, Jo Sharp Silkroad Dk, a nice blend of wool, silk and cashmere. It would be perfect for the spring we are having in the northeast. I’ve joked with my hubby that the temps will rise as soon as I’m done with it this week. On the reading front I just finished listening to A Great Reckoning and am reading I’m Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter.

  7. I’m loving your color palette. I’m knitting a draped vest with some Good Karma ? and I just finished book 5 of the Exit Unicorn series by Cindy Brandner and started A Death in Belmont by Sebastian Unger

  8. I’m loving your color palette. I’m knitting a draped vest with some Good Karma ? and I just finished book 5 of the Exit Unicorn series by Cindy Brandner and started A Death in Belmont by Sebastian Unger

  9. I’m so glad you’re happier with your Night Shift now! 🙂 It’s a really fun knit — and especially when you get to play with all those colors. I’m knitting . . . silly things . . . right now, as I contemplate my next bigger project. XO

  10. I just downloaded Murder on Cape Cod – thank-you! When I finished Evvie Drake I knew I needed something else positive. That book was so good! Your Night Shift is looking great! I can’t wait to get back to mine…still gotta finish two other 99% done projects. (Goals!)

  11. I love the Nightshift (and more importantly — you do)! I’m knitting a Hitchhiker (big surprise!) and listening to Apeirogon (it’s amazing!)

  12. Nightshuft is so much better. Me, I’m working through a pile of UFOs. For reading, it’s been all current events.

  13. Some of our libraries — two within 15 minutes of me — have curbside pickup. Patrons are limited to the books on the libraries’ shelves, so I am blocked from the other 52 libraries in the regional system. But I will patronize those two libraries and be happy about it! The only thing my pandemic brain wants to read right now is genre fiction, mystery and suspense in particular, and those are the books on my libraries shelves. It cold be a LOT worse. {{{hugs}}}

  14. I love how your shawl is knitting up — the new colors were definitely a good choice!

    I’m still working on my shawl design, but at least I’m on the border now (the rows are just very long). And I’ve finished three books in the last few days, so I’ve just started Alias Grace and have an Alice Hoffman audiobook queued up for running.

  15. The Night Shift looks great. I’m glad you are happy with the colors. I am back to my gray sweater and loving the round and round stockinette. I hope to make good progress while the weather is cool.

  16. Nightshift looks great! I like the colors you’re using and the changes you made. I am (don’t faint) going for a coverall!! I have been able to fit the books I’m reading into squares and have a few more to go before I will need to resort to reading TO FIT the square. I got a good card!

  17. There’s been lots of knitting. Finished Spring pullover and the pieces for Hay Bale Tank-gotta do some adjustments before this is done, and started a new warm weather knit. The reading- nada-

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