It seems like everywhere you turn these days someone is talking about trauma. And I…
Monday On My Mind
On my mind this week is the arrival, in earnest, of autumn. We’ve had unseasonably warm weather here for weeks but yesterday things took a cooler turn and it made me realize that I need to start attending to the list of fall chores I made a few weeks ago.
I’ve done some things, like bringing plants into the mudroom overnight to get them used to being inside again. In fact, my two giant Boston ferns are coming with me to work today to spend the winter at the library. Cross your fingers I have success this time, it’s always dubious. I’ll be bringing the rex begonias over the next week, too. I’ve always updated the window boxes with pumpkins and mums, I’ve called to get the chimney cleaned (although they are behind and won’t be able to get here until early November), I bought (and Dale planted) a limelight hydrangea, I contacted my lawn guy about a fall clean up, and Dale had firewood delivered. Oh, and I got my flu shot, too. That’s not on my fall chore list but it’s definitely an important fall activity.
I still have to cut back the perennials (the lawn guy will do this if I ask him to), clean up the raised beds (I’m waiting until we have a hard frost), buy and plant some bulbs, take the window AC out of the bedroom and kitchen windows, and take down and clean the hummingbird feeder.
All in all I’d say I’m in good shape and I’m feeling positive about sweater weather. How about you?
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Your list sounds very similar to ours, other than Ken is my lawn guy..LOL. I have cut down most of my perennials and annuals other than a bunch of zinnias that will give me one last bouquet this week. It definitely feels like Autumn this morning!
Have an awesome day!!
I brought my plants inside, put my amaryllis in the root cellar, we took out the window air conditioners (such a chore, complete with swearing), and got flu shots. The fall clean up will begin in earnest when the leaves start falling. So far they’re all all still green!
Yes your list sounds similar to Dan’s. I hope he can get it all done in a timely manner.
It still doesn’t feel like/seem like fall here, so I have plenty of time to get to my “fall chores” list! (We haven’t even had a “first frost” yet . . . so that “hard frost” is still a long way off, I’m afraid.) And don’t get too wild and crazy with cutting back your perennials. . . 😉
It just got much cooler here this past week, so I am working my very similar list, Carole. But I love the cooler weather, so I don’t mind in the least. Going to get flu shots today. I just hope both of us have lots of fall weather ahead to enjoy before winter!
This morning was the first Fall-like morning in my corner of the world… and what a welcome it is! I have some things on my list to get crossed off as well. I have my fingers crossed for your ferns!
It’s been quite warm here, but there have been a couple of days… I actually wore shoes & socks one day last week, and sometimes socks in the house. It was so windy on Saturday, too, that I even wanted to turn on my furnace to take the chill off. And I even tried! Lo & behold, it didn’t turn on, so now there’s a call into the HVAC guys because I know I’m gonna need it sooner than later (and rather it not be an emergency).
I think (fingers crossed) the unseasonably warm weather is finally behind us, so I have to wash some sweaters and start wearing them. Normally I wash them at the end of spring, but I got behind this year, so that’s on my to-do list for this week! We also need to switch kiddo’s wardrobe (pull out the fall/winter clothes and put away the summer stuff), and the furnace check is scheduled for Wednesday. I’m feeling good about the cooler weather and less so about the shorter days, but you can’t really have one without the other.
I’m excited about sweater (and sock!) weather … and love seeing all the pumpkins and mums – we should be getting ours soon. good luck with wintering those plants and the rest of your list!