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Read With Us: The Poisonwood Bible Promo Post

It’s pitch day for our winter 2024 Read With Us selection, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. Like last winter, we’ve chosen another contemporary classic and realize it may be a re-read for many of you . . . but, for various reasons, we think it’s a book that’s worth re-reading.

Full disclosure, I have not finished it yet. In fact, I only just started listening to it yesterday. And I am already loving it! The alternating first person narratives are propelling me forward, the setting feels so real that I feel gritty and sweaty even as I’m driving to work, and the dark humor of it all is fabulous. I became enthralled in the first paragraph and can’t understand how I didn’t like it when I first read it 20+ years ago.

All of this is to say that I am very glad to be reading this book again. It’s showing me the value of second chances and giving me a deeper understanding of how important our mindset is when we set out to read a book.

Bonny wrote a post about this book last week and Kym has an excellent resource page set up for this title, covering everything from plot points and a list of characters to critical reviews and an author interview. I strongly encourage you to peruse all she has pulled together about the book.

I also strongly encourage you to join us for our Zoom session on Tuesday, March 19th at 7pm Eastern time. I predict a lively and juicy discussion about this one!

Comments (5)

  1. I am listening to it as well and am several hours in. I did read The Poisonwood Bible years/decades ago and loved it then. What is surprising me is the humor – I had not remembered that, but I find myself laughing out loud as some of the passages. It’s not a funny book or a comedy by any means, yet there is a lot of humor in it. I’m glad you are enjoying it this time around Carole.

  2. I started it yesterday as well and I am finding much of what you say true! A very good beginning and I am very much looking forward to discussing this one!

  3. I’m so glad you’re loving it on this read! I think so much of what we think of books is influenced by when we read it and what else is going on in our lives, and I’ve really enjoyed revisiting books that I first read many years ago. I think this one is going to make for a great discussion!

  4. I’m so glad you’re enjoying The Poisonwood Bible this time around, Carole. (I kinda thought you would . . . ) Second chances are almost always a good thing. XO

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