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Eye Candy Friday

Today I give you . . . ranunculus! I bought them last week at the flower farm when I picked up my dahlia tubers. I love these intricate little blooms so much and I feel no shame in purchasing them because they are just about impossible to grow.

It’s a long weekend ahead and I’m ready to relax and enjoy some time away. I’ll catch up with you on Tuesday Wednesday, friends.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. I love ranunculus and I’m actually going to attempt to grow them this year in my new raised beds. You also inspired me to plant some dahlias after seeing how lovely they are fresh from your garden. Have a great weekend!

  2. Very pretty! I planted a few recently, too, and they are doin OK thankfully.

  3. My gardening friend, Sandie (who passed away from Alzheimers just this past March), COULD grow ranunculus! They were always so gorgeous — and she was generous with her blooms (lucky for me). I make sure to find/purchase bouquets of them at this time of year as a tribute to her. XO

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