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Eye Candy Friday

One of the benefits of window boxes that I never anticipated was that they are beautiful from the inside as well as the outside. I mean, I’ve always admired how they look on people’s houses . . . how they brighten things up and add to the curb appeal. But I never realized that seeing them from inside looking out is also wonderful. It was raining yesterday morning and I snapped this photo as I was shutting the window. Everything looks so lush and lovely right now.

I hope you have a lovely view from wherever you are this weekend.

Comments (5)

  1. I’m so happy you’re enjoying your window boxes! I think they are such a charming addition to (some) houses (depending on the architectural style, of course) — and they are just perfect for your house! We had a window box at the kitchen window of our very first house — and it gave me endless delight . . . inside and out. XO

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