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Eye Candy Friday

Can we all pause to acknowledge that fleeting feeling of sadness that this is the last Friday in June? It’s been a lovely month and I’m always just a little bereft when it’s over.

Okay, moving along. Today’s Eye Candy is brought to you by my friend, Deb. Or, should I say, my friend Deb’s garden.

She brought this bouquet to Pergola Thursday last night to celebrate Dale’s birthday. The flowers are all from her garden and it’s a stunning arrangement.

Make the most of the last weekend of June, friends.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. What a gorgeous bouquet! And yes, July 4th always feels like ‘summer is over, waaaah’. Ridiculous, of course, but there you have it. Enjoy every minute!

  2. One of my favorite Eye Candy Fridays! How beautiful. And how wonderful to have received it from a friend on an evening of celebration, not only of Dale’s birthday, but the beginning of Pergola Thursdays!

  3. Yes, I am always sad when the best of summer is behind us, particularly where I live in the south. All I have to look forward to is high heat and humidity for the rest of the summer. But it was truly lovely while it lasted, so I am grateful as well. I would love to hear about your friend’s garden. That is a fabulous bouquet from a personal garden. Can you identify the flowers?

  4. Deb is clearly not only a very talented gardener but also has quite the skill in flower arranging! How nice of her to share her flowers with you. Enjoy them and this final weekend of June!

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