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Three On Thursday

I’ve got 3 random things to share with you today . . .

  1. Hannah has a stand up paddleboard and she brought it to the campground last week. She is very good at it – she even paddled across the pond to the snack shack, got food and brought it back, all without any spillage! Dale tried it but fell off pretty quickly and I’m smart enough to not embarrass myself in public. BUT. Hannah swears it’s all about balance (I’ve always assumed it’s about core strength) and she has challenged me to practice standing on one foot every day from now until next summer. She assures me that this will develop the skill I need to be successful on the SUP. I’ve been doing this every day since Sunday (I practice while my Nespresso brews) and I can already stand for longer without having to put my foot down. Interesting.
  2. Speaking of Hannah, she started a new job this summer. She’s still at the same special education collaborative but she’s now Program Director, a promotion from the Assistant Program Director she’s been in for the last year and a half. It’s a big jump and not something she anticipated doing so quickly but she’s putting her heart and soul and time into it and I know she’ll be super successful and I hope she has a great school year.
  3. And speaking of school, today is Jackie’s first day of FIRST grade. I know. Pictures to follow.

Comments (9)

  1. These are all terrific things. I’m liking this Wild Card posting. We learn cool stuff that might be harder to fit into regular posts but are interesting things.

    Be sure you work on balancing on each leg. Your body needs balanced programming. Bonus, doing these things will be helpful as you age. My trainer has me do things this way often to help me not fall as I age.

  2. My balance sucks…so… I do sometimes see folks on paddle boards along the canal when I walk. I would hate to fall into that dirty water though (plus snakes…)

  3. Balance is always a good thing to work on anyways to reduce falls. I’ve always wanted to try SUP but it has to be in water that I’m not afraid to fall in and without an audience. Hasn’t happened yet…

  4. Congratulations to Hannah, and I hope both she and Jackie have wonderful school years! My physical therapist used to tell me to practice balancing on one foot at a time while I brushed my teeth, and once I improved, do the same thing with my eyes closed. You’ll be ready to paddle next summer!

  5. Balance proficiency is a lot of things. When you are balancing if you feel yourself beginning to fall, tighten up your core. It will give you a few more seconds. And, find a spot to focus on. It also helps not to look around while trying to balance. I think balance is a very valuable skill. Have been working on my balance for several years. Hooray for Hannah! If Jackie is starting school, then I already feel older than I already did.

  6. Congratulations to Hannah! That is wonderful news! But first grade?! Really?! How is that possible!?

  7. I think that balance & core go together — and good for you!!

    Congratulations, Hannah!!

    Have a great year, Jackie!! (My grandkids started on Monday — Malina’s in first grade, too, and even DAVY is going to school a couple days a week!)

  8. Those are three reasons to celebrate! (are we wrong to think that balance is a lot about a strong core?)

  9. Congratulations to Hannah on her promotion — that’s very exciting! I’m sure she’ll do an amazing job in this new role. And first grade, wow!

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