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Three On Thursday

I’ve got 3 random health related updates for you this week.

  1. I went to the dentist yesterday for my 6 month cleaning and check up. This is something that used to fill me with dread and anxiety and even terror sometimes. Not anymore, though. I have a wonderful hygienist and my dentist is very kind and yesterday I proudly told the both that I had flossed for 348 days in a row. I got a gold star on my new packet of floss and a had a great exam.
  2. I’ve been trying to up my water intake and in doing so have identified some of the barriers that can be easily fixed. The first was that I had only one water bottle and had to carry that back and forth to work. Inevitably I would leave it in one place of the other. The second was that this water bottle is a Swell bottle and, while it is lovely, have to remove the cap to take a drink made me less likely to drink at all and I needed a straw. These may sound like silly things but changing the up can make a huge difference. So, I ordered a bottle just for work. It holds 40oz of water and it has a handle and a straw. It’s NOT a Stanley because I just can’t with the whole trendy thing. It’s a very similar style, though, and it’s from RTIC. It came highly recommended by a friend and I love that it’s ceramic inside and it’s white so I can see when it needs to be cleaned. And it keeps the water nice and cold, too. I’ll post a photo at the end of this post. The engraving was only $2.49 and it makes it uniquely mine. Now, this is definitely not a sales pitch but if you decide to purchase something from RTIC and you use this link you can get 10% off your order. And I’ll get a little treat, too.
  3. The other thing I’ve been doing that helps with my water intake is using a silly little app called Plant Nanny. You basically grow a plant by watering it and you water the plant by drinking water yourself. It’s cute and dumb but it actually works for me. I’ve been using Finch since last February to help me stay on track with all kinds of goals self-care and this is along those same lines. You raise a cute little bird and send it on adventures and I really try to hit all my goals every day so that my little bird, Olive, has a nice spring in her step as she jaunts around various locals. I guess I don’t mind if it’s silly if it works!

And here’s my new RTIC mug:

Remember to use that link if you decide to shop and want 10%

Comments (9)

  1. I use a water app as well and it is a great reminder to drink water! But bravo to you for your flossing day numbers!! Wooo! That is the best!

  2. I struggle with drinking enough if I’m not sitting at my desk or sewing, just zooming around the house doing things. Maybe I need to drag out one of my thermal mugs that doesn’t just look like a glass sitting on the table to remind me. I love that yours is light inside to better see in it.

  3. You are clever indeed! After doing the Resilience Challenge, I’ve learned that I respond well to virtual rewards (checkmarks, ribbons, stars, etc.). And better yet if you can meet your goal in a cute way, with birds, plants, and a nice water bottle. But you managed the flossing even without an app – well done!

  4. Congrats on the dental appointment! And the continuous flossing!! (I do struggle with that one.). Love your new water bottle – perfect for you.

  5. Congrats on flossing and a good dental appointment!! I have become and obsessive flosser as I’ve gotten older but was quite haphazard for a long time.
    I like the idea of the water app. Sounds helpful!

  6. good things to celebrate! and thanks for the RTIC link – I might be ready to take the plunge for my very own water bottle!

  7. I love the Swell bottles but I also don’t use them as you had to take the top off though I did find on Amazon a top that you push and you can drink from it and used it in the car. I also was never going to get a Stanly but a week or so ago I bought a 30 ounce at Target. I also have multiple Owala’s and Simple Modern. I have a new rule though, new one in, one has to be donated which I have to remember to do now that I got the Stanley.

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