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Three On Thursday, Halloween Style

To celebrate Halloween, I’m sharing 3 photos of Dale and I from back in the day when we had super fun (and super labor intensive) Halloween parties.

From 2013, Michael Myers and Laurie Strode

From 2014, Ringmaster Dale and his Creepy Clown Sidekick Carole (this remains my favorite of any costume we’ve ever done)

From 2015: Dale and Carole, the Proprietors of the Undead Saloon

I hope they made your holiday just a little more special.

Comments (8)

  1. They did make my Halloween special, Carole. These costumes are so meticulous! I have been following your blog for years, but I don’t remember these pictures. Thanks for sharing them. These days, you and Dale could probably go to any party as “the renovators”, and that would be horrifying to most adults. Hahahaha

  2. This post is yet more evidence that the two of you are so well matched as a couple! These are fun (and definitely creepy!) costumes!

  3. Those parties were EPIC, Carole. But my goodness! A WHOLE LOTTA work! What fun memories, though. . . Happy (more relaxed) Halloween!!!

  4. I did remember the circus theme. You two really understand that if you’re doing a costume, you need to go big to have fun with it. Happy Halloween ?

  5. What great costumes Carole! The circus one is my favorite, but all of them are so detailed. What a lot of work it must have been to pull them all together.

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