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Three On Thursday

Sharing 3 random things taking up space in my head these days . . .
- Inspired by Kym, I am going to knit this sweater for Dale. I chose this color. And now we wait for the yarn to arrive. While I am waiting I need to do two things: One, get out my Daytripper Cardigan and attempt to finish it and Two, go to Target and get plastic bins with lids to store larger knitting projects in when I’m not actively working on them. Fred & George have gotten pretty good about ignoring the yarn when I’m knitting but I cannot walk away from it (even for a minute or two) without storing it or they will have a field day with the yarn. For socks and hats I have small zippered bags. For larger projects I have nothing and that’s why my Daytripper Cardigan (which is currently in a basket) is tucked away in the closet in Dale’s office. If I have bins with lids then I can work on sweaters and close the project up tight but still keep it close by and all will be right. At least that’s the hope!
- I saw a thing the other day where someone numbered the days of January by putting a zero after the first number. In other words, today is the 106th day of January. That feels right to me and I”ll be doing that going forward.
- I have a large cabinet in my kitchen where I keep our food, baking supplies, spices, and other pantry type items. I also have a larger cabinet in my mudroom where I keep all the extras of those same things, along with canned goods. Over the years, more and more has wound up i the mudroom and the kitchen shelves have become full of things I don’t actually use like rare types of vinegar or other random things. Last Sunday I cleaned it all out to make room in the house for things we use regularly like crackers and snacks. I tossed a lot (a lot a lot) and the oldest item I tossed had an expiration date of 2011. I think I’m turning into my grandmother!
And that’s all I have for you this Thursday.
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Lucky Dale! And I was just talking to Doug and the exact same clean out project is on my list for next week!
It is truly amazing what you find when you clean out a cabinet or cabinets. I need to do the exact same thing. Love the color yarn you have chosen for Dale’s sweater. In my book, January is long enough without adding zeros to the day!!
I think the “bin system” will help you Knit Despite Curious Cats! And I think Tom and Dale are so lucky to have women in their lives (us) who love them enough to knit them big damn sweaters. And doesn’t it feel good to reorganize your pantries/cupboards???? I need to do mine again; perhaps you’ll inspire me.
Ooo! That will be a lovely sweater! (and I think that bin sounds like a fantastic idea! I might borrow that because Frankie finds yarn absolutely irrestible and he is quite handy at pulling a ball out from a yarn bag!)
My Great Pantry Clean Out began yesterday (I hope to finish up today) and, like you, A LOT is going into the trash and I found something with a 2009 date… egads! It is astounding how things get buried in a big cupboard.
That looks like a great sweater and I love that heathered yarn! I wish you all the best in dealing with F&G and I hope that the bins work. I’m glad to hear that you’ve cleaned out your cupboard, and now might have room for a pullman pan of your own! I did mine when we moved back from MD but someone (possibly me) has been just putting groceries and kitchen stuff away willy-nilly, so it is time for me to clean out my kitchen cupboards, too.
That looks like a great sweater — I love a saddle shoulder!
We were just talking pantry clean-out the other day — and expiration dates — because I bought refills of my favorite Penzey’s pepper. I often buy refills of spices, so the exp date on the jar isn’t necessarily true! I am still using Spice Island jars for some (I supposed they’re old enough that expiration dates weren’t even a thing). 🙂
I agree with Kym, your guys are very lucky to have you knitting for them. I anxiously await updates and modeling of this sweater. My pantry is a black hole of things that need to be discarded. I feel like I just did it about a year ago, but it needs it again. I am on a kick of trying to use things up in there before I do the next clean out. How can Fred and George ignore toys hanging around unsupervised? Why do cats love yarn so much?
You and Kym are going to have some very sharp-looking significant others! I hope you find some good bins that work to keep the kitties out. And thanks for the reminder to clean out the back of the pantry!