Three On Thursday

Time for another . . . 3 random things rambling around in my head.

  1. I’ve done my best to ignore the news since last November but it’s been extra hard this week since everything is in the forefront of everywhere right now. This has not been good for my mental health and my anxiety has been elevated at various moments. Please understand that I am fine. And I know I’m fortunate that I can even talk about this publicly without feeling shame or fearing for my safety. I am doing my best to stay present and grounded and it’s not easy right now.
  2. Later today I will be heading into Boston for the Massachusetts Municipal Association annual conference. I’d be lying if I said that this hasn’t added to my anxiety all week. It’s a weird thing to experience because I love this conference but it definitely takes me out of my comfort zone, and even more so this year since it has been moved to a new location. I keep reminding myself that it’s a new location for everyone, it’s the first day of school for all of us. And yet, imposter syndrome creeps in and lies to me about not being worthy of going to this or not having great ideas to share or . . . you get my point.
  3. Thinking about these 2 points, I realize that at the end of the day, all I can do is be my authentic self. And that’s not someone who wears power suits and high heels, it’s not someone who posts on social media for likes and clicks, it’s not someone who pretends about anything. Rather, it’s someone who dresses comfortably but with style, it’s someone who has been elected to her position 3 times consecutively, it’s someone who has over 30 years experience in the public sector and it’s someone who is here (on this blog, in my job, in my elected role) for a reason.

I am really questioning my choice of words for 2025. Fearless. I sure don’t sound or feel fearless at all right now.

Is it too late to change that? hahahahaha!

    Comments (14)

    1. If you think fearless people never experience fear, doubt, or worry… you’d be wrong. The most fearless people I have ever known all had those things in spades… what made them fearless was their doing the scary thing despite them! Go be the most amazing you that you are! You can do it! XO

      (and I have likewise been feeling those same feelings about the news… it sucks!)

    2. Go and have a FABULOUS time at the conference. With your experience and your attitude, you have an awful lot to offer to others.

      And, yes, the news sucks. I avoid it like the plague.

    3. Have a great time at the conference!! If you see Tom Kane from Winchendon tell him we’re friends! 🙂

    4. Lots of love and prayer go with you today! You are here “for such a time as this” ??

    5. “Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.” ~ John Wayne
      Go, have fun, and learn. I bet everything will feel much more comfortable and enjoyable once you’re actually there and participating.

    6. Oh, Carole! Every female in our society has felt this way from time to time when in positions of authority. It’s a built in bias that our patriarchy supports, overtly and covertly. Decide what your mantra will be for this trip, and use it! Personally, I can say just from your blog and interactions that your are smart, well informed, thoughtful, and sincere. There are so many people I cannot say that about! Getting out of your comfort zone will only make you a better public servant. Your people elected you, they trust you, and they think you are worthy.

    7. Part of being fearless is going through the feelings, feelings are not facts and showing up anyways. Ever onward and be as gentle w yourself as you are to others.

    8. Your are the best of humanity! You put yourself out there and share the real you. I have all the fears and anxieties that you have and gain courage from reading your blog every day. Go experience, feel, learn, all those things that are out there for you, and know that you are the most courageous for doing it. Hugs.

    9. Hugs my friend. You may not wear power suits, but your authority and power radiate from you. You don’t need heels to stand tall, and you tower over many others in so many ways. Your words matter, and others are always better for hearing them. I’m so glad that you push yourself outside your comfort zone(s) and put yourself out there to help make our community a better place. I hope you have a wonderful time at the conference once you get past those “first day of school” jitters (love that inference, it’s sooooo true)!

    10. No wisdom to share, just letting you know I believe in you.

      Looking forward to all the highlights when you get back!

    11. Others have already said this, but I’ll chime in with the fearlessness is acknowledging the scary things and leaning into them crowd.

    12. I can completely understand some anxiety heading into such a big gathering, but it sounds like you’ve given yourself a good pep talk and I know that being the real, authentic you is the best way to go. And I have a feeling you’ll have a great time! I hope at least it’s a good distraction from the news (which I’m trying not to look at as often as it used to but don’t yet feel I can ignore entirely).

    13. There is someone at that meeting who is hoping you’ll be there and they get to visit with you. There is someone there that will be grateful for your new idea, glad you shared that slightly out of the mainstream thought they were also having, so glad you brought your perspective and bravery to share. In short, you belong there and will make the meeting better. I hope it’s great.

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