We interrupt our regularly scheduled Eye Candy Friday for this breaking news: It’s Dale’s birthday today. Okay, it’s not really…
In honor of Throwback Thursday and in celebration of Dale’s birthday, which is tomorrow, I’m sharing this picture of Dale’s…
Today, June 10th, would have been my mom’s 84th birthday. It’s strange to think of her as 84 since she…
On Friday I mentioned that I had some fun stuff coming up for the weekend. Something that I said would…
That vacation recap is going to have to wait just a leetle bit longer. I have a very very good…
Yesterday my stepson Brant turned 40. I have to pause for a moment and reread that so that it sinks…
I’ve been hinting at this all week, through photos and topics, but in case you missed those subtle clues, I…
I’m not a super fan of cowls but I have to admit they are growing on me. They are certainly…
This pretty little bouquet is just one of the 20 bouquets I’ve got for the big event that’s being held…
Did I really let the second week of my vacation go by without posting again? Sheesh, what a slacker I…
Today is my beloved husband Dale’s birthday and, in honor of that, I put together this little photo collage of…
It seems a little self serving to promote my own birthday but today is my birthday and I can’t not…