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Ten On Tuesday

It’s only a few days until my annual family beach vacation and I’m in full-on planning mode. I really believe that the more I plan in advance, whether it’s breakfast, dinner, activities or destinations, the more relaxing my vacation  will be. Of course, if the weather is fine then the only destination we’ll have is the beach, therefore I’d like to make a list of 10 Great Snacks to take to the Beach.

  1. Green grapes. I love them when they are cold and crunchy, they are refreshing and thirst quenching and delicious.
  2. Cheese and crackers. The perfect snack, in my opinion.
  3. Trail mix. My favorite has peanuts and M&Ms and raisins. I usually make a big bag before we go.
  4. Caprese sticks. A grape tomato, a basil leaf and a mozzarella ball on a tooth pick. Fast to make, simple to pack, and delicious to eat.
  5. Chocolate chip cookies. A day at the beach is great but a day at the beach with homemade chocolate chip cookies is fantastic.
  6. Hummus and carrot sticks. Crunchy and yummy – just be careful not to drop the container!
  7. Wraps. My family isn’t big on wraps but on my own I’d put some meat and cheese, perhaps some chopped olives or hot peppers, wrap it all up and slice it into rounds. Mmmm.
  8. Twizzlers. I don’t know what it is about them but we always have them on vacation and I definitely associate them with the beach.
  9. Goldfish crackers. They are universally enjoyed by all 5 of us so a bag doesn’t last long – a good thing considering our humid Cape Cod weather.
  10. Cocktails. I  know a drink isn’t technically a snack but I really enjoy a cold glass of Malibu and pineapple juice when I’m by the sea. Mmmm.

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. For a real treat freeze the grapes. Enjoy the vacation. The beach is a great place to unwind.

  2. Yummy treats! The beach I go to most often is my brother’s place on the Ct. shore. It’s a private beach and no food is allowed. Fortunately, my brother’s cottage is a short walk from the beach.

  3. Enjoy your vacation … sounds like you’ll be eating well! I love fruit, and might give your mozzarella sticks a try this year!

  4. What a fabulous list! You could live on the beach for several days with great snacks like that. Just don’t run out of cocktails. I’m envious of your beach vacation!

  5. Ooh, those things sound so good! We’d have to wait till October to enjoy such things on a picnic, they would be melted in one big puddle here. Le sigh!
    Which reminds me: I promised DH an October picnic at Port Hudson, a civil war battle field just a few miles up the road.

  6. Excellent list; hummous is good all the time (we love it with those lime flavored chips.) We’re headed the other way, toward Vermont.

  7. We spent a lot of time on the beach when I was a kid. My dad was a scuba diver so our weekends were often spent waiting for dad to return (with something cool to share!). I am still a big fan of PB&J on the beach. With salty potato chips, of course!

  8. I remember always having bologna sandwiches with plain yellow French’s mustard, on white bread, at the beach when I was a kid. And sand, of course, because no matter what, sand would get into the sandwich (as my mom would always say when we complained, why do you think they call it a SANDwich?). It’s funny…I no longer eat bologna (ew) but when I think of the beach, that’s what I think of!

  9. Twizzlers! Love that even though I’m not a fan. I do recall that my mom only allowed me to eat Little Debbie Star Crunch when on vacation. Funny how something like twizzlers or star crunch can seal a memory for a lifetime.

  10. I have to have cold Coca Cola….just have to…..
    and I love to pack a sub sandwich. No forks or utenils….too much work. I am so throw and go , and fireman is so deliberate…..

  11. Not exactly a snack, but when we lived in HI we took a sack of oysters to the beach. You put them on the grill until the shell opens, take the flat side off and pour sake into the cupped half, sprinkle with chives or thinly slized green onions and wait till the sake starts bubbling or the oyster edges start to curl. Yum.

  12. Have you tried freezing the grapes? Ooohh on especially hot days? Such deliciousness! 🙂

  13. Love the list – I am heading to the beach in the morning. We are bringing frozen grapes, cheese and crackers and cold lemonade.

  14. PB&J with Pringle chips – a beach picnic favorite mainly because of all the kids but as adult brings back so many memories –
    have you ever had home made Lemoncello? Mixed with
    ginger ale over ice? It is so delicious and refreshing on hot

  15. I am all about the snacks. I like the wrap idea, and well cheese and crackers, that is always brilliant. 🙂

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