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Ten On Tuesday
I had a wonderful long weekend and I hope you all did, too. Here are Ten Things I Did This Weekend:
- Swam in the ocean. I went in Saturday, not because I was hot, but because I felt compelled to go in, assuming it would be our last beach day. And then Sunday was even more wonderful than Saturday, so I swam again.
- Rode my bike. I rode it around the neighborhood with Dale. I rode it to the beach and back. I love that it’s so easy to ride our bikes here because the roads are wide and there are very few cars on them.
- Saw a fantastic sunset. The water was as pink as the sky and it was just gorgeous.
- Played games. Just Quiddler this time. I lost round 1 to Dale, barely squeaked out a winner for round 2, and then beat him resoundingly for round 3.
- Had dinner with Doreen and Mark. Twice. Once at “our” house on Friday night and then again at a restaurant on Sunday night. Truthfully they aren’t that much closer when we are here on the Cape than when we are at home but it just feels closer since we’re all on the same side of the bridge.
- Ate ice cream. So good and such a treat.
- Read. I read on the beach and I read on the deck. I read in bed and I read on the couch. And I am still not finished with A Breath of Snow and Ashes. 1400 pages takes a long time to get through, my friends.
- Knit. Real progress was made on Algiers. I might even finish before the summer ends. Yes, that’s right. Despite what some people think, it’s still summer until 9/22. Sure, Kat’s Summer Knit-Along has ended but that’s just a technicality. As an aside, it always makes me extra happy when my birthday (9/21) is in the summer and not in the fall.
- Shopped locally. I got fish from the local fish market and flowers and corn from the local farmstand. Sure, it takes a bit more effort to drive to these places instead of just getting everything from the supermarket but I happen to think it’s worth it.
- Danced with Dale. It wouldn’t be a romantic weekend without it.
How was your weekend?
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Comments (14)
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What beautiful photos! The bright sunset is stunning, and the storm cloud bank also.
Stunning views and photos Carole! I am a wee bit envious of you, truth be told. What a glorious place to be. And, YAY for Algiers!! I can hardly wait to see it – I really love the yarn colors! XO
I can’t get past all the pictures of the beach! You are so fortunate to live near, but very smart to take full advantage of such a beautiful place!
It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! Ken was much like you this weekend….he went for one last swim in the lake yesterday. He didn’t go swimming in the frigid Maine ocean though..ha!
Looks & sounds like a lovely weekend to “end” summer!
What a weekend! And your photos are beautiful Carole! 🙂
You’ve outdone your usual spectacular photography with those scenic shots. As if I hadn’t already been envious of your time at the beach…
Oh, that is a drool-worthy weekend right there!! Gorgeous!
What a fabulous weekend Carole! Your photos are so gorgeous.
It would be tough to have a better weekend. Your reading places description made me think of a children’s story (or poem) and it’s gonna haunt me all day long!
We do the local food thing, too. It’s now at the point where I get a little depressed every fall when I have to go to the produce section at the supermarket once the farm stand closes.
Sounds like a fabulous weekend to welcome in the fall season. That sunset is GORGEOUS!
Sounds like a lovely weekend! Mine was good as well, but I forgot to eat any of the ice cream we have in the freezer. I think I’ll remedy that tonight.
it all sounds wonderful – and you have the photos to prove it! I think it’s going to be summer here well into October so I just might get the rest of my bucket list done!