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Ten On Tuesday

Hullo! After two weeks of Tuesday holidays it’s time to start up Ten on Tuesday again. This week’s topic is a timely one: 10 Goals for 2013. These are not resolutions because I think resolutions are destined to fail. Goals, on the other hand, are attainable and something to work towards. So here are mine:

  1. Increase my running time. Right now, if I really really push, I can run a mile in around 13 minutes. Considering that I couldn’t run for 30 seconds back in May, I know that’s pretty good. But it’s not good enough and I’d like to get myself to an 11 minute mile by spring.
  2. Run three 5K races. This, of course, goes hand in hand with #1.
  3. Hit my goal weight by May. I figured on it taking me a year to lose all this weight and so far I’ve stayed on track with it, even throughout the holidays.
  4. Travel outside the United States. I’ve got a passport and I’m determined to use it this April. Mexico, anyone?
  5. Repurpose our home office. This will involve getting rid of the piano my parents bought me when I was 10, upgrading Dale to a laptop, getting someone to replaster the walls, and buying new furniture. In other words – another major home improvement project.
  6. Make homemade marshmallows. I never did do this in 2012  so this year IS the year.
  7. Read more books. I used to read a lot and then I got away from it, which is shameful for a librarian. Last fall I started reading again and I’m really enjoying it and plan to keep it up this year.
  8. Have an awesome installation party when I become Kiwanis President. Jo-Ann? I’m going to need your help with this one!
  9. Finish my Log Cabin quilt. All I need to do is put on the borders and give it to Lois because she’s going to quilt it on her long arm machine. We’re talking an afternoon of time here so this should be an easy accomplishment.
  10. Surprise myself! This comes directly from this post that Kym wrote. I surprised the hell out of myself last year by taking up running. I can only imagine what will happen in 2013!

How about you? What do you want to accomplish in 2013?

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Hi Carole, i hope you and your family have a 2013 full of Happiness and Peace. Do you know any book of knit for kids about 6, 7 years? I brought 2 front Debbie Bliss, but is more for babys. Thanks, and good week,

  2. You made me feel much better about my reading habits! Your goals are all very doable. Best of everything to you and Dale in the coming year 🙂

  3. Great list! I can definitely help with the Kiwanis Installation 🙂 My goal is to work out at least 5 times each week – I’ve been totally slacking in that department and I need to get back at it. I also want to continue to make smarter food choices – as a wise friend once told me, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet! Another goal is to finish the afghan!

  4. A new office will be so cool. You’ll have no trouble reaching your goals as you’re that kind of person. I’m going to be watching as anything you do to surprise yourself will be wonderful to see!! Happy New Year, dear one!

  5. Great goals Carole! Make sure you let me know what 5K’s you’re thinking about and I may make my way to one. I hope to get back to running very soon!

  6. My big goal is to spin more (both spinning wheel and bicycling) and learn how to knit fair isle.

  7. LOVE that quote on Kym’s blog. Must keep it for future reference! You will suprise yourself this, and I’m so proud of you for all you’ve accomplished in getting back to a healthier you!

  8. Great goals Carole. I especially like 4 and 10 but I’m sure that you’ll do them all. It’s really good to get back to reading. I’ve been doing quite a lot of that lately myself.

  9. Ooh – marshmallows. Great goal for, say, Valentine’s Day! That’s been on my list for years, but we haven’t done it yet……..

  10. Going outside of the USA? Come to Canada! But July or August would be WAY better than April.

  11. I’d like to blog more – and right now? My biggest goal is to not get panicked (or semi-panicked or even calm, ‘my blog is broken’) emails from you for a while ;op lol

  12. I would love to travel outside of the country. I’ve only been to Canada (once), and given that I grew up in Maine it almost doesn’t count!

  13. what a great mix of fun and practical…easy and hard. look forward to seeing you celebrate all of these accomplishments in 2013!

  14. Great goals! You have a nice mix of time frames there, too – they’re not all long-term goals, but not all quick and easy things either!

    Happy 2013!

  15. Your running story is such an inspiration! You *must* make homemade marshmallows. It is so easy if you have a stand mixer. Really! I use the recipe from King Arthur.

  16. Your list sounds exhilarating. In fact, I was feeling a little grumpy yesterday and as I was late to the Caroleknits party, I opened your blog on a short break trying to catch-up. Your entry took me right out of my fog and I had a terrific rest of the day – you inspire enthusiasm, Carole. You really, really do!

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