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We had a fabulous weekend, from Friday night right through to Monday morning!

We started things out at a wedding on Friday evening. It was a lovely affair, full of personalized touches, lots of emotion, a terrific dinner, and great company.

On Saturday morning we got up and drove to the Cape in the Mustang. It was hot! And Dale pretty much dropped me off, ate a sandwich at Doreen’s, and then turned around to go back home since he had to work with the band.

That left Doreen and I on our own for the afternoon. We went to Eden and I picked up a new bracelet – it’s the one with the knot – and Doreen got a ring. We also visited a great craft fair and my favorite pottery shop on the Cape. The owner was actually across the street at the craft fair but the shop was open and purchases could be made on the honor system. How charming is that?

On Sunday morning I got up and made my coffee and went out to Doreen’s front porch. It’s truly magical out there, the birds and butterflies and bees flit about and the flowers are stunning and it’s one of my favorite places to enjoy the early morning. Dale arrived around noon and he and Mark spent some time together on the porch while Doreen and I went out to do a teeny bit more shopping.

When we got back the four of us went to Hog Island for some beer and fun. I have to say, the location is nice and the atmosphere is relaxed but the beer is really only so-so.

So we left and went to Ocean Edge to have a cocktail. The setting there is fabulous, the bar overlooks the ocean and the vibe is very Cape Cod Old School, if you know at all what that means.

We walked down to the beach after our drink and it was a nice way to wind down the afternoon. As a side note, it’s now the last day of July and I’ve yet to swim in the ocean. Must fix soon!

We spent the rest of the evening on Doreen and Mark’s deck, enjoying some Rosé and snacks, playing her giant Connect Four game, and just relaxing and hanging out.

Around 8pm we made the spontaneous decision to not come home until Monday morning and I’m so glad we extended the weekend that tiny bit!

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Sounds like any smart people would have made the decision to extend a weekend that enjoyable!

  2. Oh, YES to spontaneously extending the weekend! What a lovely time. (And life is too short for so-so beer! On to cocktails!!!) XO

  3. I’m not a jealous person, mostly, but I am green with envy over your Eden Hand bracelets.

  4. It sounds like it was the correct decision, Carole. Glad you had such a good weekend. As usual, I am a little green. 🙂

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