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Jackie Is 2!

Thanks for all of your birthday wishes for Jackie. I thought you might enjoy seeing the two (yes, only 2) photos I took at his party yesterday. I’m sure you know me well enough to realize that I took more than two. It’s just that these are the two I think are worthy of sharing.

First, the cake:

It was a moon theme party because Jackie adores the moon. My friend and local baker extraordinaire Caroline made the cake and I made the cake topper with my Cricut. The cake was not only gorgeous, it was delicious. And that cake topper . . . well . . . it’s all a learning curve. Learning to manipulate letters so that they connect, learning to use the right settings for glitter paper. In the end, I was very happy with it. Jackie was having none of it and literally cried while everyone sang Happy Birthday to him. Ahhh yes, the Terrible Twos seem to have arrived right on time.

Second, the birthday boy:

He loves bubbles, too. And he’s perfectly content and sweet so long as you let him alone to do what he wants. When you try to stop him from doing something, though, watch out because his will is strong and he will protest. As his Nana, of course, I think everything he does, including throwing temper tantrums, is utterly adorable.

Finally, a bonus video:

I made this from all of the 1SE clips I took from October 4, 2018 through September 27, 2019. It’s a sweet look back on our little muffin’s second year. My goodness how he has grown.

Thanks for indulging this Nana!

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Aw, happy birthday, sweet Jackie! Watching him grow through that video is really something — he transforms from a baby to a toddler in just a couple of minutes!

  2. What a wonderful celebration! Happy Birthday, little Jackie!!!
    (And strong-willed 2-year-olds make the most interesting kinds of adults, methinks.)

  3. I can relate-sometimes I want to do what I want and not be told no, but for some reason it ‘s not as cute when you’re 51-why is that?!

  4. What a wonderful time and celebration for a 2 year old. That strong will will serve him well in this world. Terrific cake and topper.

  5. Happy Birthday Sweet Dear Jackie!!! What a beautiful cake and I agree that picture is frame worth. Such a wonderful post for the little guy.

  6. Aw, so verklempt, Carole – thank you!! The still photos are – of course – beautiful! – but that video is what really shows how much growth happens in a year. I was especially struck by how he moves … and eats! compared with a year ago. BRAVO you for thinking to compile it!

  7. When my older son turned 2 (38 years ago!), he also started crying when we began singing Happy Birthday as I put the cake in front of him. “No singing! Eat cake!” was his command.

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