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Colds Are Good for Something

The shower was a rousing success! Heather was surprised and everyone had a good time chatting and eating and watching the mother-to-be enjoy opening her gifts.

The gifts for the baby were terrific and included a beautiful “I-Spy” Quilt made by Lois. Here’s a great picture of Heather and Brant (peeking around the corner)holding up the quilt. There are lots of bird and fish fabrics mixed in, along with alligators and flamingos for Heather’s Florida family.


Heather and Brant loved the sweater and baby beret – she even recognized the baby beret pattern as one she had admired last Christmas. I never did get around to the booties or the knitted teddy bear, but, I still have another 4 weeks until the projected arrival. And then I have a lifetime to knit for this new part of our family!


I think I managed to push my way through the shower preparations on sheer adrenaline yesterday because today I have succumbed to a lousy cold. My head is pounding, my nose is stuffy and it hurts when I cough. The good news is that I have made amazing progress on Mary Higgins Clark’s new book No Place Like Home and have even dragged out the long-forgotten Einstein Coat to work on while I read. I am almost, but not quite, finished with the bottom piece. This is quite frankly the most boring thing I have ever knit – miles and miles of garter stitch. However, I’m achy and have the chills so having this afghan-like garment draped over my lap while I read is not a bad thing. Plus, I am determined to finish it before I move on to something else. Famous last words, aren’t they?

Speaking of something else, the two Fiber Trends shawl patterns I ordered from The Knitting Zone came in today’s mail. I look at this and think, Charlotte who? And how long will I be able to resist starting this and work on the Einstein Coat instead? Anyone care to wager a guess?

Comments (2)

  1. I hope you feel better soon. I’m glad the sweater and beret were a hit. I think you will break down and cast on for the shawl before Friday. I know I would! I just received the Leaf Lace Shawl pattern, but I have some things I MUST finish before I start it. I am really looking forward to knitting it, as it will be my first shawl.

  2. Your baby sweater is beautiful! (Of all the gifts my two children were given, I’ve saved the hand knit pieces for them.) I hope you’re feeling better soon.

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