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Knitting and Swimming Just Don’t Mix

There was not a whole lotta knittin’ going on for most of this weekend. There was, instead, cookouts and pool parties, and band concerts. I’m not complaining, after all, I did start a new pair of socks. Here’s Dale and Hannah, floating in Barry’s pool, and holding the sock.

Right before I handed the sock to Dale so I could take the picture I said to him, “now, you can not drop the yarn in the pool.” Can you guess what happened next? Yup, I proceeded to drop the yarn in the pool. Luckly it’s a cotton/something blend (I can’t tell you what because the label disintegrated in all that chlorine)and it survived it’s dunk just fine. I must admit there’s wasn’t much knitting done after this. It was only because the yarn was wet. It had nothing at all to do with the margaritas and beer I drank. Really. It didn’t.

Yesterday Dale had 3 jobs with the band – a parade in Plymouth in the morning, the VA Hospital in the afternoon, and a really cool outdoor concert in Sandwich at night. I stayed home for the first two and worked on the Leaf Lace Shawl. I think I’m up to 12 repeats. Sigh. It’s coming along – it’s just slow. And I still don’t dare invoke the wrath of the knitting gods and admit that I might just have the hang of the pattern. I did bring the sock with me to Sandwich and managed to knock off a few rounds before the margaritas took over. Again. This weekend partying is killing my knitting.

Hannah has gone to Cape Cod with her grandparents for a week or so. There will be knitting but it might be slower than normal since there will be more “dates” with Dale. Life is such a trade off, isn’t it? Just saying.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. HEHEHEH, now that is a funny picture! There he is all careful with the yarn, and yet somehow it still ends up in the pool 😉

    Hey, so has your kitty taken to the kitty pi yet?

  2. hey Carol! Sharon always shows me your blog and I enjoy them, you are so creative!! Congrats on your new grand-daughter. Hope your daughter-in-law is up and about soon 🙂
    Oh I am a big fan of turtles, and was quite suprised to see that they are not good knitters!!
    Who knew???
    Anywhoo it was good to read your blog…

  3. hey Carol! Sharon always shows me your blog and I enjoy them, you are so creative!! Congrats on your new grand-daughter. Hope your daughter-in-law is up and about soon 🙂
    Oh I am a big fan of turtles, and was quite suprised to see that they are not good knitters!!
    Who knew???
    Anywhoo it was good to read your blog…

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