Welcome, Little Princess

Please join me in welcoming our newest grandchild and first granddaughter, Ambrynn! She arrived on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 1:45 pm and weighed in at 8 lbs. 14 oz. Here she is on her birthday. Isn’t she lovely?

And here she is yesterday. Growing already! She kept stretching when I was holding her and I told her to knock it off because stretching would make her grow and I’d like her to stay small – at least for a little while!
Ambrynn7_6_05_3a copy.jpg

Ambrynn is doing great but her mother, Heather, has been having blood pressure issues since the birth. She came home from the hospital last Saturday but was readmitted on Tuesday of this week because her blood pressure had gone up again. This has created some rather complicated family issues. Heather is nursing and therefore needs to have the baby with her. However, Ambrynn is not a hospital patient and hospital policy dictates that Heather cannot care for the baby alone while she is a patient – another family member has to be with the baby in case Heather needs treatment. Brant has taken time off work to do this but has had to leave to get food for himself and clothes and diapers for the baby. Dale and I spent most of yesterday at the hospital and, while I am sorry that Heather is having these problems, holding the baby for several hours is certainly not a hardship!

We will be at the hospital again this afternoon and when I’m not holding Ambrynn I’ll be knitting. As you can see, the Feather and Fan Socks are appreciating the attention.
This pattern, from the book Socks Socks Socks edited by Elaine Rowley is very simple and knits up very fast. I was knitting on the couch last night while we watched National Treasure and Dale looked over with surprise on his face and said, “am I hallucinating or are those socks going really fast?” I was surprised that he noticed, but I think after the eternity of knitting the Dublin Bay socks, these do seem rather quick. – even to my family!

Please say a prayer to whatever higher power you believe in, and wish for a quick recovery for my daughter-in-law and a speedy return home for the entire family.

Comments (11)

  1. My sister has the same problem and it has been scary for our family. May she heal quickly and be home again with her darling baby.
    Great sock!

  2. Ambrynn is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations! I will definitely say a prayer for the new mommy & her family.

  3. I hope Heather gets well soon. Ambrynn is gorgeous – what a pretty name too! I just have one question – why are you knitting socks instead of cute baby girl clothes? 🙂

  4. She is really beautiful, especially on her actual birth day! Good wishes to her mommy for a fast recovery.

  5. Your granddaughter is lovely. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures. We will keep your family in our prayers.

  6. Congratulations! That is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. I’m glad to hear everyone is doing well. Lucky you.

  7. Yes, I agree with all of you! Just like her mother. She is a beautiful baby and I can’t wait to hold her and squeeze those checks. Heather’s medical issues have seemed to resolve themselves and she is feeling great. When I get mine taken care off – I’ll be up to Massachusetts in a flash. And watch out, because there isn’t going to be anyone holding that baby but ME! hehe

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