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And the Winner Is . . . Kiri By A Nose

Thank you everyone for voting and leaving comments on my Birch/Kiri dilemma. The exit polls have been most informative. Howevah, did you check the most recent results? We have a tie. A freakin’ tie.

Nevertheless, I have made a decision. I am casting on for Kiri based on the sage advice of the talented lace knitters I know. For those of you nervous that I would run out of yarn, I’ve got 2 skeins of Karabella Lace Mohair at 540 yards each. I should be all set with the yarn. Now I’m just waiting for my needles and then I’m good to go. I can do this by October 15th, right?

And, in case you think I’ve been slacking while I waited for the voting to be finished, I’ve been making mad progress on the Eyelet Cardigan. The sleeves are done and the body is about 1/3 done. I’d really love to finish this for our trip to Vermont at the end of next week. What a shame that I have to work for a living.

Can you guess what happens to me in one week? They look as horrified as I feel.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Carole! I am so sorry! Karaoke…it’s coming, really, it is…I saw you over at Wendy’s today, and was stricken by guilt…but you wouldn’t believe the things we have been dealing with here in the store so I have been busy, busy. Can’t wait to see how you like the Lace Mohair!

  2. Oh, puh-leeze… Trust me hun, it’s really not as bad as it’s cracked up to be. Just look at how goofy I am–AND I’m older than you (and always will be)!

    However, I do sometimes forget that I’m 44, and then I’ll have one of those moments that wacks me upside the head. Yesterday I went for a walk around the neighborhood (NYC meatpacking district–oh so trendy) at lunch with a friend, pointing out to her all the trendy nightclubs and places that make the gossip columns. As I talked about them I wound up ending each discription with “…but we’re not cool enough to go there.” She demanded to know why, and I said “do we hang out with the Olsen twins? Lindsay Lohan?”, and then I realized–my god! they’re just little girls! I’m old enough to have given birth to them!!! That makes me so not cool–and a little on the old side.

    Oh… nevermind… just ignore me…

  3. Don’t be sad you get to have a retro cocktail party! That makes up for it right? PLUS you get presents!

  4. There was a tie because I couldn’t make up my mind so I kept voting for one…then the other…then the other…then the other…muahahahaha

    Just kidding, I only voted once…I think ;o)

  5. You’re going to enjoy being forty, trust me. It’s a great age. I’m glad you picked Kiri, can’t wait to see some pictures.

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