Maybe we all need to be more like Fred and George. Get cozy with a…
My Non-Rhinebeck Weekend
In no particular order, the things I learned this weekend at the wedding in Portland, Maine.
My daughter suddenly dances like a grown up. And looks like a grown up. Thank goodness she still acts like a kid! But here she is, dancing with the groom, and just looking, well, grown up.
Portland is not an easy city to navigate. There are one way streets and maps that give you bad advice.
There are hotels that provide excellent function services (flaming bananas foster!) but lousy valet service.
On the plus side, there are great restaurants (once you can find them) and nice yarn shops, too. Sometimes they even have sock yarn on sale.
Portland also has a very nice Civil War statue.
It doesn’t matter that you forget to take a picture of the bride and groom, so long as you have a great one of yourself and your husband.
A trip to L.L. Bean and dinner at Bob’s Clam Hut are great ways to end a weekend.
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Oh, that IS a fabulous picture of you and Dale. You both clean up real nice. 😀
That Wicked Woman Who You Used to Like, Before This Comment (heeeee!)
Wow, looks like a great weekend.
Sock yarn on sale!? That’s is ALMOST as good as Rhinebeck! You look marvelous!
Portland is a great city, but yes, hard to drive around in. I found that out last February during a snow storm after SPA. 🙂
Looks like you all had a great time!
What a great picture of you and Dale!! Glad you had such a fun time at the wedding… and had time to get some yarn shopping in! Can’t beat that kind of a weekend!
My delivery confirmation says you got my first package. I hope you liked it! I have another small one in the works. 😀
My daughter looks suspiciously grown up these days, too. Must be something to do with that whole sophomore in college thing.
Good sock yarn buy. Margene’s right. That’s near as good as a fiber fest.
Weddings, flaming desserts, yarn on sale, and fried clams. Things can’t get much better, and you guys look like you were enjoying every minute of it.
As for children, they all grow up much too quickly. My godchildren look suspiciously like adults and that’s just not possible. Weren’t they babies just last week?
Food, family, and sale yarn–what more can you ask for? Glad you had a great time in Maine, despite the navigation thing.
Sounds like a fun weekend, and you two are adorable.
Great pictures. I was at L.L. Bean on Saturday! How funny!
Great pictures! We got lost in Portland too this summer. But, good that you found the yarn shop 🙂
Isn’t my dress just lovely?!? You guys should have seen the look on her face when I started dancing to the rap music! lol