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Tag! I’m It!
Ahem. Cough, cough, sputter, sputter.
Meme Meme Meeeeee
I have been tagged by the fair Julia. And, ya know what? It is nice to be asked! Having been asked, the least I can do is answer.
What is your all time favorite yarn to knit with?
I guess it depends on what I’m knitting. For worsted weight, it’s Cascade 220 all the way. The variety of colors is terrific, it’s very soft, and the price is reasonable. If I’m knitting socks, it’s definitely Vesper Sock Yarn. It’s worth every penny of the $20 a skank skein price and it knits up into a lovely fabric. And the coolest part about it? It’s hard to get, therefore making it all the more coveted. That said, I also love Cherry Tree Hill sock yarn and Koigu and Rowan. Oh, and my own handspun. But I haven’t knit with it yet. Right now, I’m too busy gazing at the skanks skeins in amazement at my own cleverness.
The worst thing you’ve ever knit?
I’ve had things I didn’t enjoy knitting but I’ve still loved the finish product. Like the flower washcloth from Weekend Knitting. It’s quick but it’s chenille and therefore not the easiest to work with. The Einstein Coat is the worst thing I’ve knit (and it’s still not finished) because it’s just so freakin’ boring. Miles and miles of garter stitch. But I know when it’s finished I will love it and that motivates me to pick it up and knit a few rows every now and again. The truth is, anything I’ve really hated, I’ve ripped.
Most valuable knitting technique?
Learning to read my stitches. This has really helped with the lace patterns. I think I was about 3/4 of the way through the Leaf Lace Shawl when I suddenly could “see” the pattern and everything sort of clicked. Cabling without a cable needle is pretty cool but I only know how to do one stitch that way so far. I’m going to work on this technique when I start Dale’s cabled vest.
Your most favorite knit pattern? (maybe you don’t like wearing it…but it was the most fun to knit)
The Leaf Lace Shawl because it was my first lace pattern. I was frustrated at first but I learned a lot knitting that. And I love to wear it, too.
Best knit book or magazine?
For magazines, I love Interweave Knits. But a favorite book? C’mon, I’m a librarian. Questions like this should be against the law. I couldn’t possibly pick one. But I do love Nancy Bush’s new sock book.
Your favorite knitwear designer?
I haven’t knit anything by her yet but I love all of Lisa Lloyd’s designs. I’ve got her Cable Moss Vest pattern ready to go for Dale.
Your favorite knit blogs?
Oh, man, I can’t answer this! I read so many knitting blogs! Here’s a list of bloggers I’ve met:
Betty, Cassie, Cate, Claudia, Chris, Helen, Julia, Julie, Kat, Kathy, Kellee, Kristen, Laurie, Norma, Ruth, Sandy, Stephanie, Stitchy, Theresa, Wendy.
I love meeting other knit bloggers because the connection is instant. Here’s a very limited list of who I want to meet, as soon as possible:
Ann, Annie, Cara, Juno, Lee Ann, Margene, Rachel, Risa, Vicki.
And, even with all those bloggers listed, if I’ve left a comment on your blog, ever, then I want to meet you, too. And I ain’t no stalker. Just ask Norma.
The knit item you wear the most? (how about a picture of it!)
I love the Eyelet Cardi and I wear it a lot. I also love all my shawls. But truly, the knit item I wear the most is the Feather and Fan scarf I made from Koigu that I bought last May at NH Sheep and Wool.
It has so many colors in it that it goes with everything. I wore it when I met up with Norma in September. I wore it to the Boston Knit Out. It’s just a great accessory!
That’s all for me. I tag Kathy, Jessalu, Heather, Deb and Liz. But only do it if you wanna!
Comments (11)
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You are definitely not a stalker!! Thanks for the tag. And love the scarf — so flattering and versatile.
Hoooboy yer askin’ fer a whole mess ‘o thinkin’ ;o) It might take me a day or two…but I think I’m up for it ;o)
I love this meme! The answers are so interesting~ and varied.
And is it shallow that I am thrilled that you put me on your list of who you want to meet? I’m so pleased. When are you coming to NC?!? 😉
I can vouch for your nonstalking.
I admire the courage to rip whatever you hate having knit, or started knitting.
I don’t know. On this whole “I’m not a stalker” thing, methinks thou doth protest too much….
HowEVER, I will attest that the feather and fan scarf is awesome. So awesome, in fact, if you will recall, the friends we met on the way out of the yarn shop that day called and said, “Norma, where can we get the pattern for the scarf your friend was wearing?” Awesome compliment, indeed!
Back at ya!!
It’s been fun to read all the different answers and learn more about our friends on the blogs!
I’ve always ripped everything I disliked, too. Though I’ve been contemplating ripping a gorgeous Vittadini sweater I knit awhile back because it doesn’t look so great on me, but the yarn was so spectacular, I want to use it again. Nice pics, Carole!
I’m low on good books to read, I like pretty much anything. Got any good recommendations? 🙂
Vesper sock yarn… everyone’s all abuzz about Vesper sock yarn. I think I need to check this stuff out…
ooooo Carole, I see your SP6 is leaving you comments! any guesses??
I’m trying to convince Cara to go to SPA!