I finished my second red scarf on Friday. The yarn is the same as the…
The Gift of Knit
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, hands down. I love the food, of course, but it’s more than that. I love the graciousness of this holiday and the fact that it’s simply about being with the people you love and being thankful. No gifts, no hype, no hoopla.
When I stop and think of all I have to be thankful for it really amazes me. I have so much. My life is full and rewarding with family and friends and work. And I have knitting and spinning and all you people who read my blog.
I don’t want to get too preachy but you all know that there are loads of people who don’t have the full lives that many of us do. Many people don’t even have the basic things they need. There are hurricane victims and tornado victims and people who live in poverty. And you know what? A lot of those people are cold. They’re cold right now and we all knit. That means that we can make them warm!
I’m telling you all this because Margene came up with a brilliant idea to create a charity Knit Along for the last two weeks in November. She dubbed it “Knit Unto Others” and then she asked me to make a button and co-host it with her. So, here’s your button and here’s your chance to do something for someone else during this time of Thanksgiving.
You all know how much I love Oprah, right? And last week she aired a fantastic episode which was all about doing things for others. I stole this directly from her website:
What Oprah knows for sure, she says, is that your proudest moments are almost always about what you can do for someone else. “When you give, it creates a circle,” Oprah says. “And it comes back to you, and you get even more in return.”
I believe Oprah’s right. I know I always feel great when I do something for someone else. So, I’ve got a freakin’ long ride to Gettysburg coming up this weekend and I won’t be knitting socks for myself like I usually do when I’m in the car. I’ll be knitting mittens and hats for someone who is cold and needs to get warm.
Won’t you join Margene and I and Knit Unto Others?
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What a beautiful post! You said what was in my heart perfectly. It will be a blessing to help others with our talents. Thank you for joining me and I hope we get a few people along for the ride.
I’m with ya! I’ve got extra DB Cashmerino Super Chunky that’s crying out to be a hat. Or hats.
Ack! I’d love to, but I’m trying to finish Nanowrimo! Could you repeat it in December? I’d do it for sure then.
wonderful idea – I’ve joined right up!
What a nice Knit-A-Long! I’ll have to see if I can make time to actually knit something for others. 🙂
Beautifully said, Carole. And I love the button you created. Very nice. 🙂
Carole, that was very well written! I am forwarding to you a message Lisa Miller of the Red Scarf Project mailed me on Monday, in case anyone is looking for a good charity to knit for (Lisa’s blog address is http://www.redscarfproject.blogspot.com/:
I volunteer every week at the China Care Children’s home in Shunyi, which is close to the Hope Foster home. China Care has in Shunyi, about 30 babies to toddlers and now some school aged kids. When I was there last week the Chinese office manager and I were talking about the school aged kids and she told me the new 4 year old deaf boy had finally been placed in a school. I thought it was great, however she then told me he might not could go any longer as it is starting to get cold here and his school has no
heat and he has no warm clothes. So I came home and begged all my Western neighbours for clothes and I went to the market and bought him a coat and then I knit a hat and scarf. I went back with all the stuff and the same Chinese lady says great, we also have 87 school aged kids with the same problem in foster homes in Shan Xi. I knit a lot, but I don’t think I can knit for 87 kids!
Should you happen to belong to a knitting group and you all are searching for a project…this could be one! I even have an FPO address which means no international postage fees. If you don’t belong to such a group, could you give me any pointers on how to get the word out?
Thanks so much,
Amy in getting colder by the day Beijing
Count me in Carole! It is always at this time of year that I think of those in the cold as it gets soooooo cold up here. Any little bit that we can do to ease the difficulties of others is a good thing, right?
I love Thanksgiving too and for all of the reasons that you said. When I was growing up, we’d spend it in New Hampshire with no television and very few phone calls — just family, food, John Denver on the 8-track player, puzzles, board games and knitting. Count me in!
Oprah is always right! LOL if I had the ability to knit something wearable I would help, but since I don’t I will just encourage everyone who can.
thank you very much for your help. You guys 46160 rock, thanks again.