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An Inspirational Story

picture from The Covenant Companion, September 2006

Last Sunday in church the pastor read an article from The Covenant Companion, the monthly magazine of our denomination, The Evangelical Covenant Church. I’ve never talked about church here on the blog before (and don’t worry, I probably won’t again) but the nature of this article was too timely to ignore. You can go read it here. Yes, it will take you a few minutes, but it’s worth it, I promise. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

This story spoke to me for various reasons. Of course, there is the underlying theme of faithfulness to God, and that’s important to me. There is also the Swedish heritage I share with the author and her family. There’s no denying that Swedish people are proud to be Swedish and I always love reading about Swedes and their lives and particularly their role in settling the midwestern United States.

And finally, there’s the knitting. Even when this family had practically nothing, Thua Harrison was knitting for the poor. They never considered themselves to be poor for they had one another and they had God. Packages were assembled every Christmas and they always contained handknit mittens for charity. When Mrs. Harrison couldn’t even remember her name, her hands could still remember how to knit and mittens for others were found among her possessions after she died.

I’ll admit, this is the part that really spoke to me. Charity knitting isn’t something that’s part of my regular knitting. But starting on Saturday and continuing for two weeks, you and me and so many other knitters will be participating in Knit Unto Others. I know that I’ll be thinking about Thua Harrison and the legacy she left and the lives she touched.

I’ve never been so proud to be a knitter.

Comments (30)

  1. Amen. Wonderful story and very nicely put Carole. Let’s get our needles out and make a difference!

  2. Thank you for linking to the story. What a wonderful image that even though Thua’s mother no longer remembered who she was, her hands remembered their work. A lovely story.

  3. You’re in the Covenant? My dad was in the Covenant for a time (between being raised Lutheran and becoming a Presbyterian). Small world.

    That’s a lovely story. Thank you so much for posting it.

  4. A beautiful story that reminds us once again of all we have and that it should be easy to give a little time and talent to others.

  5. Thank you for the great story, it really inspired me to pick up my knitting for charity and helped me to remember how blessed I am.

  6. What a beautiful story. It speaks especially strongly leading up to the holiday season and reminding us that “things” may seem important, but they are not what is really important.

  7. I admire people who live their faith as Thua Harrison obviously did. And I very much look forward to Knitting Unto Others.

  8. It’s a lovely story Carole. I too come from Swedish heritage and saw a lot of my own family in it. I remember my Great Grandmother, Mor Mor, saving her tea bags. She thought it foolish to waste anything.
    I’m looking forward to “Knit Unto Others”. Although what I will donate is small when compared with those in the story, who had so little to give.

  9. So true-when I think of how fortunate we are I am reminded that we can always share. Since we’re so lucky to have so much support with the little one coming, I’m going to knit for someone else’s newborn. And its the first charity knitting I’ve ever done, so thanks for the motivation!

  10. What a wonderful story! I like to think of Charity knitting as Knitting to Give 🙂 Some warm bunny knitting will be headed your way 🙂

  11. Carole,

    Been reading your blog and loving it…but sort of lurking…

    Your story today truly inspired me…and I am thrilled to be participating in Knit Unto Others and making another scarf for the Red Scarf Project.

    I hope to Knit Unto Others even more during the coming years…and to share my knitting and quilting with those less fortunate.

    Thank you…

  12. That was WONDERFUL, thank you. And a perfect reminder at this time of year. I’m sure that the Harrisons did not consider themselves poor because they have a meal on their table, and, more important, they were rich in humanity and generosity.

  13. “Tak so myket” for the link.
    I didn’t know you were of Swedish heritage…I lived with a family near Stockholm for nine months as a study away student, and I loved it there. (Although it was too damn dark in the winter. 😉
    Two of my good friends belong to the Evangelical Covenant Church. I’m their token pagan friend. 😉

  14. Thank you so much for the wonderful link and for sharing your faith with us. Reading of one women’s lifetime of knitting for others touched my heart. thank you also for the Knit Unto Others KAL. This is exactly what we need to remember why we celebrate.

  15. What a beautiful and touching story! Thanks for sharing it Carole! My knitting time is very precious to me but it takes me a day or two to whip up charity socks with my leftovers and it makes me feel good to know I’m giving comfort to someone who has so little…so I try to do it year round much like Thua 🙂

  16. What a beautiful connection to your decision to run Knit Unto Others again this year…. too humble to see that yourself, I’m saying.

  17. Oh Carole, that is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing that link. I am so moved by stories of the pioneers, I was tearing up by the fourth paragraph. I will join you in the Knit Unto Others KAL. Thanks again.

  18. Wow. What a story. Thanks for sharing it with us, Carole.

    The charity knitting – I usually don’t have extra money to send to charities, but I do have yarn & can knit things. So I knit.

    Thanks for co-hosting the Knit Unto Others KAL.

  19. Thank you for the link to that story. I never would have found it otherwise and it was very moving.

  20. Carole,
    I just found your blog. I love all your historical stories and photographs. The story of Thua Harrison touched my heart, thank you for taking the time to share it with us. Happy Thanksgiving.

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