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I’m an Elf

Christmas Elf Name

My Christmas Elf Name is

Get your Christmas Elf Name at

Have YOU gotten your Christmas elf name yet? Dude, it’s only 5 days ’til Christmas. What’re you waiting for?

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. My initials used to spell ELF before I got married – so I don’t really need an elvin name 😉 But, just for fun, the little quiz says I am “Daffy Twinkle Toes” !

  2. I would be ‘Peppy Sugar-Socks’ which is somehow appropriate given the “socks” thing, but peppy? Um…not so much, lately.

  3. Bouncy Bing-a-Ling sends you her kindest regards.

    (Bouncy? More like Droopy, gravity and my age being what they are.)

  4. Goofy tum tums.

    I wasn’t going to tell you that I went there even though it’s January 18th, but how could I keep that one to myself? 😉

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