Warm Feet and Hands

Pssst. Hey! Over here!! Look what I got yesterday.
You want some? C’mon, you know you do. You can get it here now.

Now, just so you don’t think it’s all about stash acquisition around here, I have been knitting. Look at this mitten!

I bought this kit from Nordic Fiber Arts at the suggestion of Kathy. This is my first attempt at 2 color knitting and I’m really loving it. I can’t seem to put the thing down. I tell myself, one more row and then I’ll stop, but then I keep going so I can see what happens next. I’m finding it very entertaining and, while I’m not sure what that says about me, at least I’m having a good time.

Right? Right.

Comments (15)

  1. I am easily entertained also. However, stranded knitting tends to make me want to pull my hair out. The mitten is lovely.

  2. Nice! Is that lapis or spinel on the left? I’m impressed by your stranding…I was tempted by snowflakes (no surprise), but I have held out so far.

  3. RIGHT! It’s wonderful. My goal for 2006 is to try some colorwork. I did that itty-bitty bit in my socks in October, but that was so easy it didn’t really count.

  4. The STR is Amazing!!!!!!!!!!! I currently have a skein ordered at “The Fold” but Toni tells me it wont be in until the middle of January : (

    Your two color knitting looks awesome too. I need to give that a try again myself.

  5. Hey, haven’t you heard about the stash along? Which requires knitting from stash only and no more stash acquistion for three months? And then you put that out before my eyes??? Good thing I read your blog before the Jan. 1 start of stash along. 🙂

  6. Ooooh, I love STR. I’ve got a sock working in Iolite right now.

    Stranded knitting is a blast. I’m doing to do the Dale Torino sweater in January. Want to join me?

  7. That pattern on the mitten is beautiful! You are an artist, I hear it runs in the family… 🙂

  8. OH!!! You went for it!! YAY for YOU!!!! It looks so wonderful – and I love the colors you picked!! I know I’m a little exclamation point crazy – but it really looks that great! (!!!)

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