Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner and it’s Marti with 288 skeins of yarn. Dude, that’s a LOT of yarn. So, Marti, c’mon down and claim your prize! And the prize is $50 from kpixie, $25 from me and $25 matched by our grrls Missa and Jessica. Here’s the final list: Marti = 288,…
The Anti-Stash-Along
I’m really glad that you all like the newly organized computer/fiber/book space. It feels great to have it done, I can tell you that.
I’ve noticed a theme that keeps coming up in the comments for this post, however. I keep hearing that I don’t have much of a stash. In my defense, I have to say that I have a difficult time buying yarn for which I have no plan. This is probably why I have so much sock yarn – you don’t need a plan for sock yarn. So, I am soliciting advice on how to buy yarn when you don’t know what you’re going to do with it. Those of you with big ole stashes, how did you accomplish this? And how do you decide how much to buy of a particular yarn when you don’t know what it’s going to become? Hmmmm?
In the meantime, however, I’ve been called an amateur! My stash has been labeled anemic! I’ve been ridiculed about the size of both my yarn and fiber stashes! I have been challenged to increase the size of the stash! Well, I’ve never been one to ignore an outcry of this magnitude. You all have thrown down the proverbial gauntlet and I’m grabbing it. I am therefore announcing a new program over here at Carole Knits, at the suggestion of Chris. It’s the Increase-Your-Stash-Along! My buddy Dave is joining me and he even created this nifty button:
(you know the drill, please save to your own server, yada yada yada)
There’s only one rule and it’s pretty simple. You must buy yarn.
Want to join us?
Edited to add: I’ve created a new blog page. Go check out Buy More Yarn for a list of rules and participants.
Comments (58)
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Time to put those neat little hash marks next to my name.
I just got 7 balls of Felted tweed, 1 skein Vesper, and just ordered two skeins of Claudia’s Handpainted sock yarn.
This is going to be so bad!
oh I am SO in.
I have enough yarn for three or four sweaters however, for the knitting olympics I picked a sweater that I had to buy MORE yarn to make. ;o) I should get it Tuesday, hehehe *rubs hands together*
Is this a legal venture? At a minimum I am concerned with the moral corruption of what seem to be nice, yarn stash innocents. Mere fiber babes in the wooly woods, with no idea they are about to embark upon a one way journey, upon the road to perdition.
Mind if I watch?
How much yarn would a woodchuck chuck if…
Ooo, nevermind.
The real way to buy yarn is buy it for a project and then stash it and then change your mind about the project and substitute the yarn for another project only that project is in a completely different gauge and then you have to do math. (Try saying *that* three times fast.)
Corrupt away. I’ve always had a soft spot for the wild side.
Hi Carole. Just found my way here from Chappy’s Mom. Ohmigoodness…how do I acquire my stash? I buy on impulse, that’s how!! I live in the land of Threadbear, that’s how!! My eyes are faster than my fingers, that’s how!! But I’m going to behave myself soon, really I am. Love the anti-stashalong idea though.
Man, all those real live knitters in one place–looked like a lot of fun. I got a 100g skein of sock yarn Monday. What is the best way to let you know? Are comments OK?
Is it too late to join the -along? I’m not in it to win, I just want to be part of the crowd! And having an excuse to buy yarn is just what I need! I’ve only bought 6 skeins this year though. 🙂
I have a stash of yarns that is bulging out of my closet, two Iris 5-tier drawers, boxes, baskets designed to hold cutesy flowers, ad infinatum (sp). There’s no telling why I’ll buy more yarn –alas, it’s at a fever pitch, about 2-3 times a week, including “bargains” (yes indeed they are) on eBay. Usually, I’ll scout the yarn shops and then shop for them on eBay, but this week, I went hog wild. I figure, what the heck….