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Buy More Yarn Final Tally

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner and it’s Marti with 288 skeins of yarn. Dude, that’s a LOT of yarn. So, Marti, c’mon down and claim your prize! And the prize is $50 from kpixie, $25 from me and $25 matched by our grrls Missa and Jessica.

Here’s the final list:
Marti = 288, Elspeth = 245, Dave = 224, Renata = 115, Risa= 110, Christine = 107, Michelle = 107, Dee = 91, Mindy = 91, Deb = 90, Debi = 85, Carole = 79, Emily = 79, Linda = 76, Jon = 74, Angelia = 73, AuntyNin = 71, Sydney = 71, Jennie = 68, PaulaLu = 65, Susan = 64, Teyani = 63, Kellee = 60, Tammy = 59, Liz = 56, Jessalu = 51, Rossana = 46, Marie = 43, Cate = 40, Cookie = 36, Lucia =36, Donna = 34, Betty = 30, Stephanie = 29, Emmy = 23, Jenn =23, Lisa = 23, Helen | = 21, Scout = 19, Jo = 17, Hilari = 10, Jenny = 9, Manise = 8, Kevin = 7, Rock Chick = 7, Esther = 0

This was loads of fun and I met some great bloggers! Thank you all for participating and sending me purchase updates and showing me some nifty yarn. Congratulations again to our final winner, Marti!

And speaking of finals, guess where we’re going tonight and Tuesday night? I’m so excited I can hardly stand it!
I may be late in posting tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll forgive me.

Comments (21)

  1. I bought yarn for ANOTHER sweater yesterday. StashAlong backlash?
    Looks like you all had much more fun than we did!

  2. I am simultaneously humbled and gratified to know how much more addicted, er, dedicated to acquiring yarn some people are. I stand in awe of the 200+ club, Marti, Elspeth and Dave.

    So, what’re ya gonna knit? (Stashbusters?)

    Enjoy the games!

  3. You have singlehandedly boosted the economy. How does it feel to be sitting up there on the white horse?
    I love that you have kept track of the totals. That is Great!
    You can have my seat in front of the final four. I don’t wanna watch! But I’ll eat the popcorn!

  4. thanks again for a great game.. so much fun! Looks like I barely bought any compared to the winners – Way to go 200 + club !

  5. Carole, I am green with envy about your final four trip tomorrow. My husband and I just got back from Atlanta last weekend for the Sweet 16, and had an absolute ball. I thought I was the only knit blogger who cared about basketball!!! Glad I’m not alone!

  6. My *measly* 85 skeins freak me out! I would be a hive covered, babbling mass of anxiety at 200+, hence my participation in the Yarn Focus Challenge the very day Buy More Yarn ended 🙂

    I have no concept of moderation but my only place left for more stash is MY OVEN! 🙂

    Thanks for hosting this, it was FUN!

    Have a great time at the game Carole, you lucky woman!!

  7. I have no idea what happened to my first attempt! Anyway I’m a bit freaked out about my *measly* 85 skeins prompting my immediate sign up with the Yarn Focus Challenge! I admit it, I have no concept of moderation 🙂

    Thanks for hosting this Carole, it was FUN!

    And have a great time at the game, you lucky woman!

  8. First, holy I didn’t realize I bought so much yarn. Boy I’m humbled and a tad comforted to know there are crazier than me out there! I guess I don’t need to tell you about the 15 skeins of Cascade 220 that I ordered yesterday from Web’s Anniversary sale. I couldn’t pass up the price of $4.75 a skein now could I? This was the kind of ALong that I can seriously get into. Thanks Carole!

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