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The Good, The Bad & The Ugly #4

Good: Lots of knitting time on a Tuesday. In fact, enough knitting time to finish Hannah’s flamingo socks.
Bad: Getting that knitting time because the kiddo is throwing up. Since midnight the night before.
Ugly: The medicinal remedy for throwing up. You guys know the drill, right? Hannah’s dignity was definitely compromised.

Good: Knitting at quilt night.
Bad: Being subjected to some of my friend’s ideas of cool knitting. This is a doll leg.
Yup, the leg of a doll. Because Lois must knit a doll for her granddaughter. She’s out of her freakin’ mind. But, we already knew that, didn’t we?

Good: Signs of Spring!
I finally have a purple crocus to go along with all the yellow ones.
And my daffodils are growing by leaps and bounds!
Bad: Signs of Spring in the form of bugs. We are suddenly being over-run with ants. Yuck.

Good: Rolling up the back window of the Jeep for the first time since last Fall!

Good: Welcoming a new spinner to the fold.

Good: A finished clapotis.
Actually, I finished this quite a while ago and just hadn’t told the blog yet. I love this scarf! I made it narrower and longer than the pattern called for and I can wear it doubled up around my neck. And the yarn! Oh, the yarn. It’s Hand Maiden Lady Godiva. It makes the most wonderful fabric.
Bad: How much you’re going to hate me if you click on this link. You won’t be able to resist the Lady Godiva.

Good: Being a cat.
I tell ya, Mason has it pretty good around here.

Comments (32)

  1. Those are very cool socks! Hopefully poor Hannah feels better… Ha! I resisted yarn! I resisted the Lady Godiva and all the Hand Maiden yarns. Well, ok, maybe just because I have some Helen’s Lace on the way… 😉

    Hi, Mason! You look very comfy there on your quilt.

  2. Did you have to go back to your archives to see what # you were on?;-)
    Clap is Phat! And the Flamigos must feel like heaven when you do feel good.

  3. Hope Hannah recovers her dignity soon 🙂

    You may think random wednesdays are cooler but I love your G,B & U days!

  4. Is the Handmaiden a true worsted weight? I really like it, but I was hoping for something more dk weight for a capotis. I can just imagine the wool/cashmere glory of your scarf! Is that colorway the Nova Scotia?

  5. Pretty flamingo socks! I hope Hannah is over the worst of it. Poor thing.
    Handmaiden has some gorgeous colorways! If I ever make a clapotis, I will make mine narrow like you did. I think I would use it more that way. Yours looks great.

  6. Pretty sox! I hope Hannah is feeling better…

    I love your clappy and am happy to see so many ‘goods’ in your post ;o)

  7. The FOs are great! But I have a cat who might not entirely agree with you — she is about 30 feet up a tree as I type, refusing to come down.

  8. I’ve always said that if reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a beloved house pet. Talk about the life o’Reilly.

  9. I still can’t get over how fabulous your clap is. So soft. So gorgeous. And the colors…


    Also, I am afraid to ask, but the only medicinal remedy I know for throwing up is Gatorade and Saltines?

  10. Poor Hannah! Hope she’s feeling better. Thanks for the hint of spring! My tulips are pushing their way up, I check on them everyday hoping for progress.

  11. I love love love those socks! And my first Clappy was made with Lion and Lamb in almost that exact same color! Just lovely!

  12. Hope Hannah is feeling better today. Thanks for the welcome into the fold; or is it “The Fold” 🙂 And I love your Clap — it is stunning. Has Dixie made an appearance yet?

  13. I absolutely LOVE the flamingo socks, that’s MY color combination of reds and creams. MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE! WANT.SOME.NOW. I *am* scared of the doll leg, though. (And it was fun to click on the link and go back in your time machine to your learning how to knit, and see you HuskV sewing machine, and your dropping the abll of yarn in the swimming pool. I NEED to get back to work now.)

  14. A post bursting with color and FOs! Perfecto! Love the pink socks and the Clap is so fantastique! Can we get a model shot?

  15. Wait, there’s a medicinal remedy for throwing up?? How have I never heard of it? the only think I know of is Coca Cola syrup…

  16. Poor Hannah. I hope the socks help a little.
    I love your Clapotis and, even though I’m all about stash improvement, I’m not going to that link for that fab yarn and you just can’t make me. No way. Wow. That was some pretty yarn.

  17. Poor Hannah! Hope she’s on the mend 🙂

    There’s so much good (and bad – that DOLL LEG) I don’t know what to comment on. I agree with all your assertions!

    That Lady Godiva does look to have a wonderful drape. I’m knitting up a scarf in a 50/50 merino/tussah silk blend from Chasing Rainbow Dyeworks and it is absolutely heaven.

  18. A nice pair of flamingo socks would go a long way to cheer up an ailing girl … I hope Hannah is feeling better this morning.

    There are signs of spring in my yard today, too …. hooray!

  19. Beautiful clap! Had to go to Rhinebeck to understand why everyone was knitting it. It’s a beautiful, versatile design, and looks good in all yarns. Thanks ALOT for the freakin’ link, grrl. Like I haven’t done enough retail therapy in the last two weeks??

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