So the thing with SPA is, other than whatever fiber craft you choose to pursue,…
Estes Park: Day 3
Are you ready to finally relive my Estes Park Wool Market experience with me? It was terrific! I wasn’t kidding when I said that Margene was the first one through the door to the wool building. And she made a beeline for the Plain and Fancy yarn spun and dyed by her friend Grace. I also purchased some of this yarn – but for Martha, not for myself. Once done with that task, Stephanie and I started wandering around and looking at fiber.
It was fun seeing new vendors and different yarns and fibers. Everyone was friendly and the booths were full of people but not so crowded that you couldn’t browse. Honestly, though, I was pretty selective about purchases since I knew whatever I bought would have to come home in a suitcase with me. I did find some beautiful indigo dyed corriedale, which reminds me of the blue sky of Utah and some natural Suri alpaca, which reminds me of the brown of Wyoming.
Everything else, though, I was able to resist. And I thought I was done shopping. Then I stumbled over a Corriedale Bond X fleece. I had put it down and walked away and would have been okay with that if I hadn’t bumped into Snow and Kristi right then. I dragged them back to the booth to show them this amazing fleece.
And as I stood there explaining what was so great about it (the color, the crimp, the cleanliness, the softness) I realized that I would be a fool if I left it behind. What?!? Look at this!
You would have bought it, too.
Next thing I knew it was time for lunch. And, while there were food booths available, the thought of a sit-down cafe out of the dust and wind was just too tempting to pass by. The car was a little crowded but, That Margene. She adapts to any situation.
Good thing the car ride didn’t hurt her back. She needed to sit up straight when she tried out the wheels at the Bountiful booth. Yup.
Margene at a spinning wheel. Anyone want to start taking bets on how long it is before she makes a purchase? Speaking of purchases, that’s Michaele looking on so intently. She succombed about an hour later. heh.
After spinning, it was time to visit the animals. Here’s where the big difference in New England wool festivals and Western wool festivals became apparent.
The alpacas! They have a whole tent full of alpacas and alpaca fleeces.
It was amazing. I took this picture just for Laurie.
Those are all alpaca fleeces and there were at least 4 times more than what you see here. Swoon.
The sheep and goats were of the typical variety so after visiting with them we headed back to our condo for some beer relaxation. And the rest of Saturday was just that – relaxation!
And pictures with new friends.
That’s me and Stephanie. We sort of bonded over the whole fleece purchasing experience.
Once the photo ops were over, I plunked myself on a couch between Snow and Miriam and we all chatted and swapped stories and shared our purchases. There were jokes told and advice given and the fellowship of that gathering was fantastic. Bakerina provided us with a fabulous dinner of Shepherd’s Pie, salad and home made strawberry/peach pie. And I taught my Colorado and Utah friends what the term “packy run” means. It’s a trip to the liquor store, in case you didn’t know. I imagine the phrase is sweeping through the West even as you read this.
After so much talk and beer and food I couldn’t keep my eyes open. We headed for bed to rest up for the long drive back to Utah on Sunday. And, rather than bore you with more descriptions of the brown-ness of Wyoming, I’ll just say that the ride home to Utah was less eventful than the ride out to Colorado. We didn’t even get lost. We did, however, see this magnificent creature.
I can’t possibly top that with more words. You’ll have to wait until Monday to hear about the final day of my trip. Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!
Comments (44)
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Thanks for letting us live vicariously through your fabulous trip.
What an amazing BIG blue sky! Does it really look like that?
The photo of you and Stephanie is so great, you both look SO happy. Must have been the fleece.
Thanks for sharing your journeys.
Thanks for sharing, sounds really wonderful. And you’d be kicking yourself now if you didn’t get the fleece – it looks divine.
Beautiful fleece! And yeah, when it’s sitting there so pretty and perfect, of course it has your name on it already.
Brown is one of the prominent memories I have of Wyoming, too. Two years of brown interrupted only by all that icy snow. I’ll always be glad I spent the time there, though, just as I know you’ll treasure your trip west forever, too. Glad you got to go!
Ok — I’ll admit that this multi-day telling is well worth it 🙂 I smiled at “packy run.” But, of course, in most parts of the country, you can buy beer at the Mobil station, so there are no “package stores.”
You relate the adventure so well. The elk is so elegant. He was there just for you!!
That’s a beautiful fleece. You would have definitely been kicking yourself if you left that behind. Sounds like you had a great trip!
“Packy Run!” Hee!
That green glow you’ve been noticing from the Western end of the state? Yeah, that’s me.
Beautiful fleece!!
You know what, it’s not as good as being there, but reading your entries might be the next best thing. What a great time. The fleece looks fab.
I knew what a “packy run” is….a trip to the “package store” 🙂
I dunno, I must be missing the “I love fleece” gene but if your happy Carole, so am I!
That Elk is magnificent!
Thanks for sharing your splendid trip (and hugging M for me!)
That fleece is gorgeous! I can see why you were seduced. And the elk? Perfect closer. (I’m just glad he’s not near my garden.)
Aaah, the packy run. Was I supposed to tell everyone about that. I remember as an underage drinker in the 70’s, driving from Dedham to West Roxbury (right over “the Line”) because the packy stayed open 60 minutes later in the city.
P.S. “the brown of Wyoming”–that made me laugh
I’m sure that Margene is planning another packy run as we speak. 😉
The fleece is gorgeous, and while you are spinning/knitting it, it will bring back all the memories of Estes! How great is that!
You’re just so damn cute!
Wow. It took a lot of chilly animals to make those piles of fluff.
It all looks and sounds wonderful!
Ooh, that fleece!! AWESOME! Thank god you bought it.
And good job spreading the packy around, I think it’s time more states used it!
Great pics of the market, Carole!
Oh, you do look happy and like you’re having fun! I can’t wait to have MY picture taken with you and bond over fleeces!! ; ) Thanks for sharing your Estes adventure with us.
the alpaca is soo cute
I’ve really enjoyed reading about your adventure. What a fleece !
It is about time Margene discovered the zen of spinning. ;-]
Definitely enjoying your travelogue! I don’t spin, but even I can tell you had to buy that fleece.
I don’t really know yet what makes a fleece good but yours does look nice!
If I were a betting girl, I would bet that it won’t be long at all before Margene will be spinning away on her own wheel.
That really is a magnificent fleece you purchased! And I can’t believe all that alpaca in one place. Did you not just want to take a running leap and dive into it?
Great recount. And I’m so glad you finally got a picture of an elk – he’s gorgeous.
What a trip!! Looks like it was all perfect!
That fleece is stunning. You’d have been crazy not to get it. What a wonderful trip!
Actually, you’re right, I would have bought that fleece. It looks so soft and gorgeous.
What a wonderful trip!
You may have got better animal pictures than I did, but I got better MOUNTAIN shots! HA! 😉
That picture of an array of alpaca fleeces is swoon-worthy.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful trip! I’m drooling over the alpaca furs, oooooo.
I am having fun reliving such good memories, not getting that far in my fledgling spindle spinning, but dreaming of the day when I can make the yarn I want from such a beautiful fleece.
As long as I live, I will never forget the look on your face as you walked to the cabin door, carrying that big bag of fleece. It was a vision, let me tell you. 🙂
What fun. Just back and catching up, but it sounds like a wonderful day and I would have bought that fleece too. Nice.
The enabling of Margene. Nice work. That’s big game. And the elk, too. 😉
WHY, OH WHY, did I never go during the two years that I lived in Boulder??? Can anybody please explain this?
Wow! The trip sounds like so much fun!
Excellent trip reportage, sound slike wonderful time. Love the fleece & human cargo shot of Margene!(and the elk’s not so bad, either)
All right, I DID. I set up a webring for knitters who love MV. You know, just in case you’re interested!
Of course I would have bought it too, even if I had to buy it its own seat on the plane. (I hope you didn’t, though. That would be one expensive fleece.)
It looks like an amazing sky-blue time. Can’t wait for tomorrow!
Oh, wow. I am still only a novice spinner, and even *I* would have thought very seriously about bringing home that fleece. Gorgeous.
Your descriptions of Margene crack me up.
WOW that fleece is amazing. You’ll be glad you got it…that is, some day! LOL
So glad you’re enjoying your trip!
Beautiful fleece! Good thing you didn’t let it get away.
Here I am in the South of France, with tears in my eyes because I wasn’t there with you……… hoo……….next year?