Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
How Does Your Garden Grow?
My name is not Mary but I do have a vegetable garden and it has been growing all sorts of things.
It’s gone from this:
May 31, 2006
To this:
June 29, 2006
To this overgrown mess:
July 26, 2006
We’ve had loads of cucumbers and squash. But lately, I’ve noticed some rather, errr, strange vegetables.
I don’t recall planting pumpkins.
Or peas.
Or eggplants and radishes.
They sure are cute, though. And they’ve been sent off to Ilene at the WIC Office in Brockton for distribution at their nutrition classes during the month of August.
I can’t imagine what will turn up next.
Comments (57)
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That’s so funny — I’m making a whole assortment of baby veggie hats right now too…though I think I have to admit that they are not quite as cute as yours.
You certainly have green thumbs and green needles!
I absolutely love making those fruit hats! What a terrific backdrop for snapping a shot of them.
ionolsen23 Best site I see. Thanks.
ionolsen34 So interesting site, thanks!
2a0fbfe8f78c Very good