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Eye Candy Friday


When life gives you cranberries, make cranberry sauce. So I did. And it was delicious.

Have a great weekend!

Comments (30)

  1. My parents always left for FL in mid October thus we spent Thanksgiving with Kevin’s family. They don’t like real cranberries. They prefer that canned stuff–with all the ridges. YUCK!!

  2. Oh pretty! We love all things cranberry at our house but we’ve never had homemade cranberry sauce. I bet it was delicious!

  3. Lovelovelove cranberries, especially in whole berry sauce made at home. None of that canned stuff! One Thanksgiving, when I came home from college, my dad offered me a big bowl of homemade cranberry sauce. I eagerly dug in, scarfed down the whole bowl with great delight. My dad stared at me in amazement and my mother started laughing. “Ok, so what joke am I the butt of now?” I demanded. My mom said the joke’s on your father – he thought the cranberry sauce was way too tart for anyone. He thought he was getting payback for the April Fool’s cookies I made him. Hah!

  4. LOVE homemade cranberry sauce! Especially with a little orange peel in it. But I don’t go for walnuts in mine. My MIL loves the nuts in her sauce.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. what a fab photo.
    yumm, makes me think it might be time to make some cranberry bread out here – I haven’t seen them for sale (yet) on the west coast..

  6. Just in time for Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday!! Thanks, we will enjoy it with our turkey and dressing and sweet potatoes and buns and pumpkin pies!!! mmmmmmmmm

  7. Ooh, do you have a good source for cranberries? I’ve been trying to order genuine Massachusetts berries online but there are so many dead ends!

  8. *drool*

    They haven’t shown up in our stores yet, but we have a ton of recipes to make this year – liquer, sauce, cobbler with a gingerbread top, etc. I can’t wait! I love cramberries as much as I love rhubarb 🙂

  9. This is how bad I got it: All I can think is how pretty would that be in sock yarn?

    Looks lovely, btw, and I’m thinking your sauce was yummy!

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