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Sweet Charity

Yo! Bloglines! WTF?!?!

So. Charity Knitting. Norma and I were discussing the other day how it used to be that when she talked about charity knitting the silence was so deafening all she could hear was crickets chirping. And I’ve been trying to figure out why that would be the case.

Basically, I think charity knitting is like any other charity donation and people react the same way as if you’re asking for money. And asking for money, well, that can evoke all kinds of emotions and responses in people. One theory I have is that thinking about charities and people in need can make those of us with so much feel a bit guilty. So we say nothing and pretend that people don’t really need our help. But another theory I have is that maybe people already have charities they support and they just don’t want to support another one. And they don’t feel like they want to tell you that because it will just sound like an excuse so they say nothing. I know I feel guilty when I see commercials on television for St. Jude’s or other charitable causes. I want to contribute to everyone! But, the truth is that I only have so much I can give away and I have a few key charities that I support. I’ve researched them and believe in their causes and that’s where my money goes.

And I’m thinking that maybe the same thing is true for charity knitting. I know there are some people who knit for charity all year long. And I know there are some who will never knit for charity but they’re generous in other ways. I guess the point of all of this (you knew I’d get to the point eventually, right?) is that it really doesn’t matter whether you do or don’t knit for charity. And it really doesn’t matter whether you give money away or not. What matters is how you find your way through the world. For me, I need to give back. See, I grew up in a family that struggled financially. I remember running out of oil for the furnace. I remember seeing our name in the paper for nonpayment of property taxes. I remember food stamps. And now I have much. I have a home with heat and plenty of food. I pay my bills and buy gifts for my children. I have yarn and fiber and multiple spinning wheels. I can afford to give some money away. And I can afford to spend some time knitting for people who will be comforted by my handknits.

I know that many of you feel the same way. I know for sure that Norma does. There are 3 days left for Knit Unto Others if you want to join us. Or not. Do what’s right for you. Find your place in the world. And, please, tell me what you think. I can’t abide the sound of crickets chirping.

Comments (57)

  1. I think there are so many amazing charities to knit for – great work is being done by a number of dedicated knitters and organizers. I choose to donate money, usually, over donating my knitting. This is my personal choice, but I completely commend those who give of themselves in this way.

    Thanks for the post, Carole.

  2. I go through stages – when I’m in the midst of knitting lots, I tend to also knit more for the community – generally something for the homeless shelters around here. Right now, I’m not knitting that much, so I tend to focus on knitting things for myself and those close to me.

  3. Very nicely written. I agree with Karen. Finding the right way to give is very personal and sometimes evokes a lot of emotions, but as long as we do give, it is all good 🙂

  4. You know, I tend to do all sorts of things charity-wise,(some knit, some non-knit) but my biggest issue about all of this is that I do not want any recognition for it – my preference is to be anonymous. I do not do things for the thank you, I do things because I can. (like you do as well) and the very hardest part is to tell anyone I did it.

    Could it be that there are others like me who actually do things too, but just aren’t telling you?

  5. I give $$$. I have so little knitting time as it is. The charity stuff would NEVER get done, since my other WIPs take so long also.

  6. I guess I’m a little confused about what you’re asking here. Are you asking why we do or don’t do it? Or why we do or don’t comment on other people’s blogs about it?

    Some people may prefer to participate in charities without making announcements and proclamations. I’ve knit more items for charity this year than I have for myself and family. You probably didn’t know that because I didn’t tell you. 🙂 And honestly, I prefer to contribute to causes within my own community. Privately.

    I think all the charity knitting is great. It’s wonderful to see so much being shared on so many blogs. However, I will never feel compelled to comment on every post I read about charity knitting. My fingers would be worn to nubbins’.
    On that note, neither am I compelled to comment on any other great post I read about any other “non charity” topic.

    Truth be, I have not perceived charity knitters to be doing it for the publicity and cheers. Regardless, it appears to me that their efforts are widely appreciated across blogland. But that’s just me.

    Is this what you’re looking for?

  7. I just found your site through another and really appreciate the work that you’ve done here. I started a charity knit. I actually put it together a couple of months ago, but have decided to wait until the beginning of the year to really start publisizing it. It would be great for you to list is from your Knit Unto Others site. Feel free to contact me.

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