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Knit Unto Others ’08


Today is the official start of Knit Unto Others 2008. That’s right, Margene and I are back for the third year in a row to ask you to spend some time knitting for charity these next two weeks. In order to simplify things we are suggesting that you knit for one of these charities:

Lucy at Mind’s Eye Yarn in Cambridge, MA is collecting mittens for the Somerville Family Network. This group works through Somerville Public Schools to make sure lower income kids have all the warm things they need for the winter. The mitten tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving and comes down New Year’s Day. For more information contact Lucy at: lucyATmindseyeyarnsDOTcom

The Soaring Eagles Project is collecting hand knit mittens this year. The purpose of this project is to knit items for elementary school-aged children in Oklahoma. As Jane says on the Soaring Eagles blog, “The idea was born out of a child asking me about my knitting one day. I told her I was making a sweater for my daughter. She replied, ‘I wish someone loved me enough to make me something.’ The very next day Project Soaring Eagles was born. If you choose to knit for this charity you should send an email to theprocrastiknitterATyahooDOTcom when you are ready to mail your items.

Finally, Birdsong has asked for completed blankets in worsted or bulky weight washable yarn with a finished size of 30 inches square to 40 inches square, or a rectangle that is similar, for the Kare Crisis Nursery in her area. If you’re owant more information, send an email to Birdsong at burrobirdATgmailDOTcom.

Our purpose in promoting Knit Unto Others is for you to knit something that will make a difference in someone’s life. We encourage you to participate in whatever way you are comfortable, whether it’s through one of these charities or one of your own choosing. At the end of November we’ll ask you to send an email to knituntoothersATgmailDOTcom and tell us what you knit and where you donated it. We will then randomly select two participants to win something special from each of us.

Now, please, go forth and knit unto others! And thank you.

Comments (20)

  1. Hopefully over Thanksgiving I’ll knit up a few pair of mittens. Thank you for joining me for this endeavor every year, grrlfriend!

  2. I wish I could join you this year, but I just have too much on my plate right now. I’d love to contribute a few of my patterns as prizes though.

  3. Thanks for choosing Mind’s Eye Yarns’ collection for this year’s KUTO. Lucy is marvelously generous with her own knitting, and it would be fabulous for her to get some additional contributions from this year’s KUTO knitters. I also posted about KUTO at the Ravelry group “The Greater Good”. Hope you have a great response again this year!

  4. Glad to see you’re doing it again! Last year you inspired me to send a box of warm hats to the homeless in Boston. Thanks for the motivation!

  5. Carole–Great cause–thanks for bringing these causes to light. Good to know that *someone* out there can really benefit from my mitten knitting! (Not that any of my mittens would be well used out here in CA with our 70degree days. Sigh–I, for one, am ready for sweater weather!)

  6. a wonderful idea, last year I was relatively new to blogging and didn’t know you did this but to celebrate thankfulness and give back I made 93 pair of booties in November for Online Angels, so at 5:45 this morning I started what I hope will be the first of at least 10 pair of mittens. I never knit mittens before, but used Bev’s 2 needle mitten directions and by 8:20 had one pair done, with a tea and bathroom break!!! Will do more every morning that the event is running for and continue with Christmas knitting the rest of the day. You and Margene are so wonderful for organizing this. A very happy participant, grace

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