I finished my second red scarf on Friday. The yarn is the same as the…
Knitted Unto Others
A bit of blog business: The 20,000th comment came in on Thursday morning and it was left by my real life friend and fellow blogger,Betty! Watch for a special package from me, Betty. And thanks to all of you who comment. I read and respond to every single one. They really mean a lot to me.
Okay, let’s talk about knitting! Charity knitting. Yeah! So, how did you do with Knit Unto Others? Due to my confinement to the couch for much of last week, I did better than I expected.
That’s 3 pairs of mittens and 4 hats. Yeah me.
Truthfully, I don’t like to make a big deal about charity knitting. It’s something I do now and again and I try to be gracious about it but I do get antsy to get back to my regular knitting. So, for me anyway, Knit Unto Others is perfect. I do it for two weeks and then I’m done. No guilt, no glory.
Now is the time to tell us how you did with your charity knitting. Send an email to knituntoothersATgmailDOTcom and tell us you participated. You don’t have to tell us how many things you knit or where you sent them because you only had to participate to be entered into the random drawing. However, it might be fun to add up all the different items that went out to all the different places so if you want to include that information, go on ahead and do that.
We’ll award prizes next week so get those emails to us by Friday, December 7th, okay? And, thanks to the generosity of Anne, Gale, and Kirsten, they won’t just be from Margene and I.
Let’s hear it for the kindness of knitters everywhere!
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Yay Knitters! November yeilded nothing from me 🙁 Ijust did the Red Scarf thing, some washcloths for Rabbittch and have some local items planned. Didn’t fall into the November knitting though. I’m a bad girl.
That is A LOT of knitting in one week. Yeah for you is right!
I hope you’re feeling much better this week. Thank you so much for taking care of KUO. I’ll keep knitting this week and make moremittens for Soaring Eagles. I hope we had a few people do their part.
I hope you’re off that couch this week and feeling better.
Nice job on the mittens and hats.
Impressive assortment of hats and mittens. You sure Hannah didn’t help you???
You got a lot done! What yarn did you use for the stripey blue hats?
Nice job! A very productive week.
Good job! You did much better than I.
I hope you are feeling better now!
KUO was the motivation I needed. I ignored all the major housecleaning chores and just knit all day. It was like taking a vacation in my own home.
Can’t wait to see what everyone made! I too am itching to get back to the “regularly scheduled knitting” but am glad I was able to help out a little.
I haven’t done any charity knitting yet, but I’m going to try to make a pair of mittens for Soaring Eagles. (Next year remind me that I will be much happier if I start earlier.)
What is that gorgeous purple pink stuff you made two of those hats from?
Well you may have been stuck on the couch, but you can’t say you were not busy 🙂 Great job!
What a girl! Hope you’re well on the road to well!
You were quite the busy girl. I do hope that you are feeling better. Bloglines didn’t pick you up, but I knew you’re a daily poster.
I usually don’t do much for charity knitting, so I always feel a bit bad. However, my LYS is doing a charity drive for cat blankets, so I have been working on a blanket, which is better than I usually do. Sad but true.
I wanted to do charity knitting but having lived in a small town there wasn’t much of a need for it on my end since most charity drives were stocked with stuff. So much in fact there was stuff left over. Now living in a larger city there’s more of a need for it. 😀 I hope you’re feeling better, it’s too close to christmas to be stuck on the couch feeling crappy. There’s shopping, and baking, and cleaning, and decorating and..wow..I’m going to go sit on the couch a while myself. 😛
thank you for your generosity carole! i’m sure 7 people will feel a special lucky moment when they receive their snuggly gifts.
here is hoping you are on the road to recovery, your knitting is beautiful!!!
I’m hanging my head in shame that I didn’t knit a single charity item 🙁 However, you did a wonderful job, and there will be some very warm folks this winter, thanks to you. They’re all lovely, and I’m sure they will be much appreciated.
That is WONDERFUL output, Carole!
Good for you!! Unfortunately I didn’t get my usual charity knitting done this year, but I have kept up with my financial charitable donations 🙂
Good to see you are feeling better!
Great job on the knitting!
I can’t say I was as productive, but I did send off five raffle squares for the Oliver’s Fund blankies, and am finishing up a large blanket based on Grandma’s warshrag pattern for my local Kare Crisis Nursery (plus Grannie Dani sent me two more… whoo, hooo!)
Woo-hoo! I can’t wait for your special package, which is even more special because it’s coming from a very special person! Thank you, and I hope you’re feeling better!
Congrats to Betty!
Wow you were downright prolific! ;o) I hope you are better!
I didn’t knit anything – I’m waiting on a crapload of black sock yarn from Knitpicks to start knitting Socks for Soldiers on the CSM.
that’s an amazing amount of production knitting for someone who was so under the weather. hats off to you dear one.
Hi! Carole. I belong to a knitting group and we knit for a local church, prayer shawls, hats for the hospital and chemo caps and I am also a quilter and we make baby quilts for the local womens coalition. I always try to have a charity project on my needles or under my sewing needle. As always, love your blog. sandy
Wow, Carole, that’s great! I was never big into the whole charity knitting until the last 2 weeks. Gale over at she shoots sheep shots is collecting things for the homeless on the shoreline of CT. I knit a couple of things, nothing fancy or fantastic, but every bit helps, right?
I think I’ll probably knit one or two things a month all year next year. That way, I’ll have quite a few things to give away and not feel overwhelmed with the holiday handknit crunch.