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Show Your Wallpaper!

Kat wants to see your desktop wallpaper. This is mine:


Anyone recognize it? I took it when I received the “Margene Treatment” last June and it’s been my wallpaper ever since. It brings back such fabulous memories of that trip. I got to make new friends and eat new foods and see new things. I look at it every day and it makes me smile.

So. What’s your wallpaper?

This Post Has 30 Comments

  1. I can see why you have that for your wallpaper. It’s a lovely view. I can feel my blood pressure dropping. I have the Windows stonehedge wallpaper.

  2. Silver Lake and Mt. Millicent! Now covered with a couple of feet of snow! You’ll have a completely different view when you come in September.

  3. Lucky you to have such a great reminder of the Margene treatment. My wallpaper on my home computer is a photo I took in California, looking out over green hills to the Pacific.

  4. I just posted my two wallpapers to my blog, so please take a look and comment. Your wallpaper is so relaxing, much like mine! I like to change mine every now and then, but haven’t found anything quite as nice for a while. 😉

  5. My wallpaper changes frequently… I like yours a lot though – reminds me of our breakfast at Silver Lake together. I tried to email you about quilt tickets but it bounced back… put me down for six.

  6. Beautiful! Due to sheer laziness, mine is just one of the standard Windows ones. I keep meaning to put up the rainbow over Rangeley Lake, though.

  7. That is beautiful. Our wallpaper at work is Al and I in the Black Hills of S.D. with the motorcycle

  8. Mine at work is a wintery scene with a old country stone home and red out buildings, and such. It’s very serene. Your picture is beautiful!

  9. You will have to come visit my blog to see another view of Utah, taken by a co-worker’s friend on a hike in our gloriously uncrowded backcountry…

  10. I’m tempted to steal your beautiful pic but it wouldn’t have the same meaning…my wallpaper is the standard one that comes with windows altho I do change it with the seasons 🙂

  11. I got fancy with my wallpaper–I set it so that it changes every five minutes. It shuffles through some adorable drawings of giraffes and elephants from

  12. Bush is forever saying that democracies do not invade other countries and start wars. Well, he did just that. He invaded Iraq, started a war, and killed people. What do you think? How does that work in a democracy again? How does being more threatening make us more likeable?Isn’t the country with
    the most weapons the biggest threat to the rest of the world? When one country is the biggest threat to the rest of the world, isn’t that likely to be the most hated country?
    Are we safer today than we were before?
    We have lost friends and influenced no one. No wonder most of the world thinks we suck. Thanks to what george bush has done to our country during the past three years, we do!

  13. Great picture! My wallpaper is a photo of my husband and I signing our marriage certificate (done during the ceremony in Canada – where we had our wedding, even though we live in Boston)

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