The Blog Turns Turned Two!

Hey! Guess what I forgot? My blog’s 2 year anniversary. It was back on January 29th. Way to go, eh? After all that talk about wanting to have 10,000 comments before the blogiversary, I totally forgot. Thanks, Kristi, for reminding me! But you know what? It’s okay because I came up with a better way to celebrate than I would have had last week. So, really, my brain cramp is going to work to your advantage if you stick with me through this post.

I wrote last year about how CaroleKnits got started. This year, I just want to say how glad I am to still be blogging. How honored I am to have you all reading me. And how fortunate I am to have made some genuine friends through my blog. I’m not going to go all rose-colored-glasses on you and pretend that blogging doesn’t have it’s pitfalls because it certainly does. There is drama and there is angst. There are mean people and wonderful people. There are brilliant and talented writers and knitters and there are those who perhaps should study up on their grammar a bit. Of course we don’t all agree and of course we aren’t all friends. But what we are is a community of people with ideas and stories and skills to share. And that’s why I believe there’s a place at the table for everyone. You. And you. And you, too.

Still here? Good, because here’s your reward. Remember how I mentioned I was test knitting a pattern for Kristi?


I finished them last week and Kristi has now released the pattern. It’s fabulous! She designed an incredible way of knitting the thumb and hand all at once that’s perfectly brilliant. Really, you need to knit these.


I knit mine from Socks that Rock medium weight. The color is “Rare Gem” which was a bonus skein from last year’s Rockin’ Sock Club. They go with everything and they fit perfectly so I can knit and type and do whatever I want without having to take them off. That’s a real plus considering the weather we’ve been having.


So anyway, your reward. Leave me a comment wishing the blog a happy anniversary and telling me why you read CaroleKnits. I’ll enter your name in a drawing for a copy of Kristi’s Two Thumb’s Up pattern along with a skein of Socks That Rock medium weight in the colorway Fire on the Mountain. If you want to double your chances of winning then leave your comment in the form of a poem, limerick or haiku and I’ll enter your name twice.

You have until midnight on Sunday, February 11, 2007 to enter. I’ll announce the winner on Monday, February 12th. I can’t wait to read what you have to say!

Comments (127)

  1. of all the reasons
    i first found your lovely blog
    thanks to the tea cakes

    here’s to many more years!!

    (i bought raspberry jam at the import store today with those tasty treats in mind). πŸ™‚

  2. Happy Blogiversary Carole. I usually don’t opt in for contests of any kind, but I cannot.resist.STR, especially.. in the Fire On The Mountain colorway (my favorite) – combined with a fabulous pattern is the icing on the blogiversary cake!
    Why do I read? A) your one helluva knitter so your eye candy is delicious! and B) I love the way you write!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! I started reading your blog because you were so nice to save my behind at the end of the Summer of Socks (no I haven’t forgotten) and I’ve found it very interesting. And thanks again for saving me!

  4. Happy Blogversary! My first one is coming up soon! I started reading you through Twisted Knitters, I think! I was drawn to your blog through all the lovely projects you knit and also your food posts! Gotta love those!

  5. Your blog is bookmarked,
    a favorite of mine.
    I check in on you daily
    to see what I will find.

    Pretty pictures today?
    A new sock or a glove?
    Or maybe something to eat
    Or a kitty to love.

    It doesn’t matter–
    Cuz whatever is there
    Is fun to read
    And also to share!

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! I found your blog through reading Norma’s and have enjoyed your sense of humor, your beautiful photography, and your many and varied stories.

  7. Happy Blogiversary, I like to read your blog, look at the photography, enjoy eye candy fridays too. You give me inspiration to knit different things

  8. Hi Carole,

    I read your blog for so many reasons: the knits are great, the food looks good too, and you are such a genuinely nice and real person, with always something interesting to say. And where else can you get pictures of such a handsome man in uniform?!

  9. ooh, Happy Blogiversary! I hope there are many many more.

    A haiku from me to you:

    carole always makes
    me smile. i’d like to knit
    a huge blanket. keep her warm.

  10. Happy Belated Blogiversary! I just found you through Chris, but I’ll definitely come back because it looks like you knit a lot of socks.

  11. Happy Bloggiversary Carole! I have been reading you for 1 1/2 years and continue to do so because you are kind, warm, funny, and very inclusive of non-bloggers such as myself and I love your positive attitude in life. Oh, you knit and spin some pretty cool stuff ! πŸ™‚ Thanks for being such a good friend.

  12. Hey Carole, we started within days of each other! A most happy blogiversary to you. I stop by regularly because although we haven’t met in person, it’s like stopping by a friend’s house for a cup of coffee. I like to see what you’ve been up to, what’s on the needles…maybe catch some Massachusetts scenery. Oh, and the occasional recipes! πŸ˜‰

  13. Happy belated blogiversary! Why do I read you? Because you take gorgeous pictures, you knit lovely things, and you tell a good story.

    Oh, and the food! Must not forget the food!

  14. Happy Bloggiversary Two!
    I like your blog! Oh, yes, I do!
    I like to read about your pie,
    I like your pictures of the sky,
    I like to see your lovely knits,
    The socks! The shawls! The scarves! The mitts!
    Your husband, Dale, is really great,
    (No worries! Got my own great mate!)
    I like to read about your spinning,
    Now, tell me: what’s my chance of winning?

  15. Happy Blogiversary.
    The date each blogger likes to see.

    But why is it we read YOUR blog
    What makes us choose this site?
    Because you’re fun, it’s not a slog
    We like the things you write!

    At first, of course, it was the yarn
    and knitted items for us to see,
    and over time .. the stories! darn,
    silly question, on your blogieversary!

    I wonder when my bloggiversary is… I guess I’d best go look. But is it the date I stared it all? or that at my current site that counts? Does this mean I get two??

  16. Late as usual to the party. It’s a theme, I’m going with it! πŸ˜€
    Happy Happy Belated but very heartfelted (heh) blogiversary! I feel like I’ve known you for longer, and I mean that in the best way.
    WHY? WHY do I read Caroleknits? How can I NOT? You are my people. I love you, therefore I read you. Simple.
    You are warm.
    You are wonderful.
    You are talented in the knitting department.
    You are talented at quilting.
    That amazed me.
    Your home is beautiful.
    Dale is a great knitting husband.
    Blogless Sharon is wonderful too.
    It’s like a package deal. Carol, Dale and blogless Sharon!
    You have a wonderful sense of humor.
    You take beautiful pictures.
    And you can recommend a good book to me. (I’m reading one of the cat who-s right now. I believe it is “Dropped a Bombshell”)
    xxoxxoxo to you , my dear, my Friend.

  17. There once was a girl named “Carol”
    Who was always mistaken for “this Carole”
    We both read “the swine”
    and enjoy it all the time
    I’m jealous because I need a blog of mine.

    I also wish I had a pinky full of the talent you ladies do with your knitting. I’m an amateur compared to you all.

    Happy 2nd Anniversary.

    The Other Carol aka the Blogless one

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