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Is Vodka A Clear Liquid?

Update: I’m home and everything went fine. The screening was completely normal – YAY. And the whole thing wasn’t bad at all, even the IV, which was the scariest part for me. I think i helped that they let me keep knitting right up until I went into the examination room. Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement, it means the world to me!

I know what you’re here for. You want to know the winner of the Blogversary contest. But you’re going to have to hold on a minute while I tell you about what I have to look forward to today.

A colonoscopy. Blech.

You see, my mother died of colon cancer at the age of 66 so I need to start my screenings now. There’s nothing wrong with me, I have no symptoms to be concerned about. And yet this is scary for me. The prep yesterday was scary. It was a day of clear liquids and 32 pills to, errr, clean out my system. Did you know we only have one bathroom? Good times. The stuff that will happen today is scary: the IV, the procedure in general sounds scary, and the thought that they will actually find something of concern is very very scary. So, scary is the word of the day. Any good thoughts, vibes and prayers you’d like to send my way will ease the scariness for me and I’d sure appreciate it.

So, the contest. I loved reading all your comments and thoughts about the blog. The poems and haiku were wonderful – funny and sweet and very, very thoughtful. And I had no idea that y’all love the Eye Candy Friday posts so much. I’m feeling much more pressured to get good photos now.

The winner was chosen in an extremely scientific manner. All names were put in a basket and those who wrote poems and haiku were entered twice, as promised. I pulled the winning name this morning and it was:

Laura of Sugar Bunny Boulevard!

Congratulations, Laura!

I’ll be back tomorrow – hopefully with good news. And probably some knitting from while under the influence.

Comments (91)

  1. Yay Laura!

    Having undergone it numerous times, my dad refers to the procedure as “hunting the wild polyp.” I’ll be thinking of you.

  2. Hope the procedure goes well! I’ve heard it’s not too bad other than the cleansing ritual beforehand.

    And I’m not sure vodka would be allowed 😉

  3. I will be thinking good thoughts and praying for good results. I know I need to do this too soon :(. My parents, both of whom are incredibly modest had theirs done recently for the first time, and both of them said it wasn’t nearly as bad as they had envisioned it.

  4. Sending my wishes for a good result!
    Had one a couple of months ago, the prep is way worse than the procedure. And knowing is better than not knowing.

  5. You mean I actually missed a contest? Maybe I should get checked too. You’re going to be fine! It’s those who do not get tested that have everything to worry about. Good on you for taking care of yourself! You can have all my good Karma.

  6. My thoughts are with you, Carole. Colonoscopies are in my future as well, due to family history. As scary as it is to think that they might find something, the idea of not doing it is way scarier. Ignorance is definitely not bliss when it comes to these things, and it’s really great that you’re being proactive and having the procedure done. I hope it all goes smoothly for you.

  7. So sorry – but good drugs to nap by afterwards! And next time you have one of these joyful procedures, just rent 3-4 good videos and have the hubby move the tv into the bathroom for you! Works for me.

  8. Glad you weathered the test and are okay. Both my melanoma tumors were found, and found “in time” during routine tests — we are so lucky to have western medicine’s amazing diagnostics!

  9. Just thinking about a colonoscopy makes me cringe. I’m glad to hear that yours went well, and I hope now that you are home, you’re getting plenty of rest, and knitting time.

  10. Thinkin of you for SURE! Treat yourself to something nice afterwards. Like a great massage. And, of course, some wonderful yarn!

  11. Where have I been? o.0

    I’m so glad that you’re starting your screening early, sweetie. I know it’s icky, but it’s for the best. I hope you’re taking it easy for the rest of your day. *hugs*

  12. Glad to hear it all went well! Don’t do what my friend did and immediately go for a cheeseburger. It took him a while before he wanted to be around cheeseburgers again.

  13. Glad everything went well! Funny timing, though–one of my co-workers had one this morning, too . . . Go relax . . . you earned it!

  14. Scarey indeed – I am so glad that all went well. It seems like a perfect Grey Goose moment to me!
    Congrats also on your blogiversary – I didn’t want to enter (since I’d just won the 10,000th comment) but I am out here on the other coast – cheering you on.
    hugs and love.

  15. Good for you for getting screened! Since hubby is 52, I’ve been trying to get him in for the last two years!! Heaven help me!

    I’m sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

  16. Glad to hear your test went well. I’ve had the same procedure 3 times. A total of 5 pre-cancerous polyps removed. I always hate the prep, the test I usually slept through. And the feeling afterwards was like everything was pink! When they tell you that you shouldn’t make any important decisions that day, I know why. It was so nice to have such a mellow day.
    My Mom also had colon cancer. The test is well worth the trouble.

  17. Wow, what a relief, eh? So happy you’re well and healthy! Yay!
    Geez, I freakishly dread the yearly Pap exam, I can only imagine how I’ll be when I have to do a colon test. Yikes.

  18. That does sound stressful, but I’m glad the procedure went off without a hitch! From one single bathroom home to another, I an feel your pain! =)

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