Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
A Day In the Life
Woke up, got out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, I noticed I was late
Lennon and McCartney
Elisa wrote a great post the other day about her “typical” work day. Now she wants to know what my typical work day is like. And yours, too. So, Elisa dearie, this one’s for you.
I’m up at 6 AM for coffee and blogging. I post, I read, I check my email. There’s showering and readying and I aim to be out the door by 7:30 but it’s usually more like 7:45.
It’s nice to have a husband who leaves for work after I do. Not only does he warm up the Jeep for me but he’s waiting at the door with my laptop and coffee. His head is cropped for your benefit. He showers after I leave. Need I say more?
It’s 25 minutes door-to-door from my house to the library. I pass the time listening to Bill Press on Sirius Talk Left and enjoying the scenery. You see, my drive is very rural, taking me past cranberry bogs and wooded areas and big fields.
I see turkeys in this field at least once or twice a week. There were some there when I took this photo but you can’t see them, you’ll just have to trust me. Frankly, it’s a wonderful commute.
Right before I get to the library I hit Dunkin’ Donuts. Flo and Georgie are at the counter and they pour my medium black coffee when they see me pull into the parking lot. I get awesome service at my Dunkin’ Donuts. And I tip them very well for it.
I have a really lovely office that I’ve been lucky enough to personalize with my own stuff. I spend the day at my desk processing bills, writing reports, tracking schedules and attending meetings. Occasionally I get to tackle really important situations that begin with my staff coming to my office and saying things like “this patron wants her money back for the photocopies she made because she doesn’t think the quality is good enough” or “this patron wants you to waive her fines because she never took this book out.” Thank goodness I have a Master’s degree, eh?
Lunch is take out because I’m too lazy and disorganized to pack something to eat. The options in the area are pretty limited and I’m generally sick of everything but the company of my staff at lunch is great. We laugh and gossip and commiserate about the patrons who drive us all crazy. And I knit, of course.
The rest of the afternoon usually goes by quickly. I answer more questions, sort through my mail, catalog some magazines and read some blogs peruse the professional journals. At 4:00 I’m out the door and headed for home.
Another day, another 50 ¢.
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This was a great post Carole. Its so nice when our online friends give us a personal glimpse of themselves. Which you do so well.
Oh and about the flowers…. the tulips are lovely and Dale wins the “great hubby” award for sure.