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Things That Make Me Go Hmmm

I’ve been trying for weeks to come up with a new Good, Bad and Ugly post and it’s just not working for me anymore. So, I’ve got a new title for my random posts: Things That Make Me Go Hmmm.

And here are the things that have me hmmm-ing today:

*It’s very very cold here. The temperature yesterday was about 14° but the wind chill made it feel like -27°. I was desperate enough to drive the Suburban to work because of three little words: heated leather seats. The thing is a tank and takes forever to heat up but I don’t really care because my ass is warm.

*We had a snow squall on Monday afternoon. It only lasted about ten minutes but it covered everything with white stuff. I’m trying to like March, really I am, but this is so not helping.

*I finished Dale’s Cable Moss Vest last week and he’s been wearing it frequently. It fits him perfectly and he says it’s very warm. We haven’t taken photos yet but rest assured, they are coming.

*My dear friend Anne now has her own fiber shop, Wooly Wonka Fibers. Her stuff is gorgeous and the name is fabulous and I know she’ll be successful. She could probably make it just on what I’ve purchased and plan to purchase but you ought to go check it out for your own self.

*Sock Madness starts Saturday and I’m really excited. I’ve got my yarn and supplies and I’m ready to go. I don’t think my current sock in progress, pictured up above, will see much action for the next few weeks.

*I pre-ordered the new Interweave Knits Book Favorite Socks from weeks and weeks ago. I saw it in the store a few weeks ago but resisted because I knew Amazon wouldn’t let me down. Then I saw it at SPA and again resisted because surely Amazon would be sending it to me very soon. They are still showing it as only available for pre-order with an expected shipping date of April 2nd. I finally contacted them last week at JessaLu’s urging and they said the publisher hasn’t released it yet. I explained to them that it was widely available elsewhere but they said they still wouldn’t be shipping my copy until April 2nd. Sigh. I canceled my Amazon order and purchased it from Knit Picks instead. It arrived yesterday.

*Speaking of purchases, I scored a copy of Charlene Schurch’s Mostly Mittens on eBay last week for $36. Amazon is showing it for $240. I’m going to have to start re-thinking my love of Amazon.

*One thing I don’t have to re-think is my love of basketball and tonight we’re going to my very first ever Celtics game. Granted, it’s not the Dream Team of my youth, but Liz pulled this together and I think it’s going to be lots of fun.

And those are the Things That Make Me Go Hmmm today.

Comments (54)

  1. $240? That’s insane. I found my copy at the New England Mobile Book Fair last summer for wicked cheap. And it was new!

    I canceled my Amazon pre-order too, after I found the sock book at Newbury Yarns. Amazon really missed the boat on this one, and I don’t know why! BTW, the pair I’m lusting for most of all is the Elegant Ribbed Stockings. Without the silly ribbon, of course. 😉

  2. It’s going to warm up starting tomorrow! I think it’ll be much easier not to hate March from here on out. I hope so, anyway, because MAN has it been cold.

    I think many knitting publishers release their books to specialty stores (including, apparently, Knitpicks) before the big chains. Not sure why, but I think it’s nice that the little guys get a jump on them.

    Good luck with Sock Madness!

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